Brock clearly didn’t like the sight of them on my desk. But what’s the big deal? A couple of vases of flowers never hurt anyone.

I love having flowers around. My mother brought me those bouquets from the garden center where she works. Whenever I looked at the colorful blossoms, I felt uplifted.

That won’t happen anymore now that they’re crumpled in the wastebasket…

It hurt to throw them in there. A lot. Flowers should be honored and appreciated, not wasted.

I can still remember how Brock barked that particularly hurtful order over his shoulder, barely looking back as he said it.

Working for him stinks.

Well, what did I expect?

Mandy was in tears before quitting. I know all about Brock’s reputation as demanding and imposing. He has ridiculously high standards. There’s no way I’ll get through this stint without failing him multiple times… and hearing about it.

Soon enough, he’ll be someone else’s problem, I think, as I cross the spotless, masculine, cold entryway. The black, gray, and silver-chrome accents make a shiver run down my spine.

Lizzy will find a replacement soon.

As the pink phone trills out a notification of yet another call, I give Leena a quick hug goodbye and check the caller ID.

Kate Benson is calling again. So far, I’ve let three calls from her go to voicemail. I haven’t yet listened to the messages, either.

This time, I pick up. “Good afternoon, Epic Elevate, this is Gwen Temple speaking.”

“Gwen who?” an edgy, bitter voice demands.

“Gwen Temple. I’m filling in for Amanda Lackey. How can I help you?”

“Oh. What, did Mandy finally get sick of my brother? I’m not surprised she quit. She had a bad attitude right from the beginning.”

“She’s transitioning to something new.” I settle into the driver’s seat of my ten-year-old Toyota and unceremoniously plop the designer swimwear on the passenger seat.

Next stop: the Ship It store.

I fish around in my slouchy, quilted purse, searching for my keys. “You’re Brock’s sister, Kate, is that right?”

“Yeah, in theory, I’m his sister, though the jerk doesn’t act like we’re family. He never returns my calls.”

“Is that right? I’m sorry. I have a little brother, so I know how complicated stuff gets between siblings. But still, even if it goes south for a while, it can eventually get better. Hang in there.”

“Yeah, well, I’m running out of patience.”

“Want me to give him a message? Or tell him to call you?”

“Psh. Like that will work; I’ve been asking him to call me back for weeks. Ever since I found out I’m?—”


“Ever since you found out you’re what?” I ask.

She sighs. “Never mind. I can’t believe his nerve, asking me to call this phone instead of his. You can bet I’ve tried his cell, too.”

“And he doesn’t pick up?”

“No. And he hasn’t, for years.”

I look down the sweeping driveway and the residential street beyond. “Hm… wow. That’s a long time. I’d hate to go that long without talking to my little brother, Clay. Not that things with Clay are perfect or anything, but at least we talk. Did you and Brock get into a fight or something?”