Page 132 of So Not My Boss Crush

“I can’t believe that’s going to be me.”

“Gwen Benson. It has a nice ring to it. Heading up to see your man?”

I tug the package of envelopes and cardstock from my purse. “Invitations just got in this morning, and I want to show him how they turned out.”

“Ooooh… goody! Let me see, let me see!”

She eagerly opens the packaging and pulls out the cream-colored envelopes and colorful cards. I peek over her shoulder. Even though I’ve seen this image so many times, it still makes my tummy flutter with joy.

It was the perfect day when we had our engagement photos taken up at the Mini Windsor Castle.

Yes, it was cloudy and rainy. Yes, my sweater snagged on a gate, and yes, my clogs got muddy. Brock laughed when we had to splash through the muck to get to the row of rose bushes. ‘You sure you want to go through with this?’

‘I’m sure. It’s the perfect day for photos,’ I told him with a laugh of my own.

“I love this photo,” Lizzy murmurs dreamily. “It’s unique.”

In the image, a silver curtain of rain dusts the foreground. Brock and I are hidden behind the curtain. Me, with my baggy sweater, my long skirt, my messy hair. Brock in bright red sneakers. His shirt is plastered to his chest, thanks to the rain. His jeans are wet, his smile wild and joyful.

He’s holding me.

Our noses nearly touch.

“You two are adorable,” Lizzy breathes, before carefully inserting the items back into the packaging. “I can’t wait for the big day. Did you decide on flowers yet?”

“Roses.” Even more joy swells in my heart. “Pink roses. They were my grandmother’s favorite. I talked to Kate yesterday, too. She says she’s been working with the dogs day in and day out to make sure they’re ready.”

Mr. Brown will be our ringbearer.

Zoey’s going to tote a basket of flowers if the training goes as hoped.

“Fingers crossed,” I tell Lizzy.

She claps and does her happy dance. Then she gestures to the elevators. “I’m sure he’s dying to see you. I won’t keep you.”

We hug again. Instead of the elevator, I guide my dog friend up the stairs. Today, I have energy to burn.

It’s not a new feeling, either. Ever since I started seeing Brock, I’ve felt so alive. Maybe that’s joy, energizing my being. It sure is nice.

The beefy Rottweiler nudges Brock’s office door.

By the time I peer in and catch sight of him behind his desk, he’s already smiling. “Come on in,” he says.

I step into his office.

When Brock wraps his arms around me and pulls me in close, I think about how much has changed.

I took a risk, falling for him. I took a risk, and it paid off. I’m happier now than I’ve ever been before.

“The invitations came in,” I tell him happily after he kisses me hello. “Want to see?”

Over on his computer, a voice floats out. “Brock, Bud, you gotta run?” I recognize Bailey Mark’s drawl.

Brock glances over at the screen. “Yeah, Gwen’s here. Can I call you later?”

“No prob, man, can’t wait to talk more, and tell Gwen I say hello.”

Brock steps to the laptop and closes it. “Bailey said yes—he’ll be my third groomsman.”