Maybe it’s like she says, and this thing between us is a mystery.
I can’t hire someone to research it. I can’t make a strategy, or a tactic, or get a team together to try to analyze it. I just have to let it happen. She said that the best things in life just happen, in ways we can’t figure out. This thing with Gwen is the best thing that has happened in my life.
It could be the worst thing, too, if it ends badly.
If I hurt her, I will never forgive myself.
Chapter 17
I pull a file folder from the rack at the corner of my desk. As I open it, I stifle a yawn.
I can’t yawn again. I already got caught with my mouth gaping open by Janelle, two tables down. She’s been watching me like a hawk since I arrived at half past nine o’clock this morning.
I’m sure it didn’t look good, me getting to my desk late.
But, when you fall asleep in your boss’s arms, it happens.
Your day gets off track.
You let things slide, like punctuality, organization, and—shoot—appearances. As I set the folder on my lap and flip it open, I get a glimpse at my socks. They’re mismatched again.
I fight off a smile.
What will Brock say when he notices that I’m in one orange sock, and one blue one? The orange one has little daisies embroidered into it. The blue one has whales.
He’ll laugh.
I know he’ll laugh.
He’ll think it’s cute and charming that my socks don’t match. He knows I’m a mess sometimes, in some ways, and he likes it.
He likes me.
He said that, and more, last night at my house. We talked out by the fire for hours, and then, when it got too cold, we relocated to the couch.
I don’t remember falling asleep in his arms, but I must have. Because when I woke up to the tune of his morning alarm, I felt his strong chest, and the soft fabric of his T-shirt beneath my cheek.
I felt his warm body cuddling close to mine. I loved it when he hugged me close and whispered good morning in my ear.
It didn’t matter that it was only five o’clock, so early that the sun wasn’t up. It was still the best morning greeting I’ve ever had. He hit snooze on his alarm just to stay on the couch with me a little while longer.
Eventually, we loaded the dogs up into his car. He left, and I went back to sleep.
And now, here I am, rolling into work late, with this dazed and dreamy smile on my lips between yawns.
I look up from the folder and spot a mug. Then a hand, an arm… and Lizzy, in a lime green blouse, with matching green earrings as big as broaches pinned to her ears.
“Look who decided to show up,” she says with a grin.
I reach for the coffee and sip gratefully. “I love you,” I gush as I set it down. “You always save me. I was trying to get through some work before taking a break.”
Lizzy pulls up a chair and settles into it. She has a mug cupped in her hands, so I know she’ll hang out for a little while to catch up.
“What’s up with Janelle?” she whispers to me.
I peek that way.