I roll my eyes at the pompous man who is curled up on the grass. Rocking himself forward and backward from the pain.

A shit eating grin crests my face.

Serves him right for grappling me.

From behind, two men throw me to the ground. I see their guard uniforms only slightly before they pressed my face firmly into the grass.

Gaia, when I said I wanted to lie in dirt, this isn’t what I meant.

“I swear to Hades himself that I'll make your lives a living hell if you don’t release me this instant,” I shout to them.

A cough echoed through the courtyard. Forcing my head upwards, I strain to see the source of the noise.

Half of me was almost expecting Apollo to be standing there with his stupid crooked grin and smug look.

But that wasn’t the case.

Instead, there stands a middle-aged man. If he were in the mortal world, I would have guessed that he’d be in his sixties.

How old he is in this world, I don’t know. He is attractive enough I suppose though I have yet to see an ugly god. He is a large man, with a barrel chest. The god gives me the impression that he smiles a lot and laughs often. Probably with the loudest boisterous laughs that I have ever seen. His long smoke colored beard is ornamented with jewelry.

Like the sun, he exudes a personable and pleasant demeanor. Those eyes fell on me, analyzing with a cool calculating stare. Oddly familiar eyes. For a single second, I wonder if being thrown in jail would be better than being around the Lord of Caelum.

Holding my breath, I freeze.

Hoping that he doesn’t know who I am and that I shouldn’t be here.

But no such luck.

“Aww… So, you must be the mortal selected by my nephew.” Raising a bushy eyebrow, he chuckles as he looks at the garden around him.


Wait, did he say nephew? How does a divine asshole like Apollo have so many family members who could tolerate being around him? It’s astonishing. From our few interactions, he was practically unbearable, even when his stick was not fully up his ass.

“This… thing was chosen by the Sun God.” The man on his knees says in an obviously demeaning manner.

Narrowing my eyes, I glare at the man. “You’re lucky your bodyguards got here.”

The man flinches. Still covering his injury.

That’s what you get for being a piece of shit. Giving him a half smile, I can’t help but laugh at the fool.

Wincing, he slowly stands up and hobbles toward the main entrance of the garden. “Guards, assist me with delivering it to our King,”

The henchmen readily agree. Yanking me up by the arms, I bite back the pain radiating from my shoulder. Two guards hold me with a grip that pierces my skin, sending shooting pains down my arms.

A dagger pressed flush against my back.

Almost like they were warning me not to test their patience.

“Helio, Solis, Release her.” Apollo’s Uncle stated in a clear firm voice.

The two guards freeze in place. Loosening their grip slightly as they look back and forth between the two influential men. As though they were trying to calculate which imposing figure trumped the other.

Flipping around, the man that I kicked squares up with Uncle. “But Advisor Ov,” he whispers through a forced smile. “The mortal shouldn’t be outside its rooms.” The large pudgy man with eyes that bulge like pigs then jabbed. “It should be in its cage.”

“It! I'll show you what ‘it’ can do,” I murmur under my breath. Balling my fist, I clench my jaw tight. Gods, if I ever get the chance, a swift kick to the balls will be the least of his problems.