Our stored food is running thin. Summer may be warm, but until the harvests come in, it’s often a hungrier time than winter. We can only do our best to supplement food supplies until the fall harvest makes options more accessible and affordable.
What we reap now, takes away from our final harvest.
Hunting this close to the Veil is a risky game, but the meat makes the meager greens of late spring and early summer stretch.
Even so, the mist of the Veil is a chilling sight.
In the days of old, some villages would throw out their most evil of criminals to the mist. An exile worse than death itself. Some who venture close enough still claim to see them walking. Like shades. Not fully corporal, not fully in our plane, all wearing clothes of eons past.
The Veil is the Underworld of our plane.
“Yes, I know hun.” Dad sighs. “But today isn’t a good day to go. There’s bound to be trouble in the woods.”
“Dad,” I chide. “Are you coming with me or are you making me go to the woods alone.”
Biting his lips, he shifts uncomfortably. “No, Pandy. I'm coming.”
A serious look is etched onto his face.
I gesture down to his house clothes and state, “Ready when you are.”
Raising his hands, he rushes to his room. “Fine, fine. I get it. I'm a slow poke. You don’t need to rub it in. We’ve had quite a role reversal. Typically, you're the one who takes so long to get ready for the woods, one would think that you were preparing for a gala hosted by the Lord of Erebus himself.”
Whatever, I sighed. I would never go to a gala with Hades in attendance or mess around with the gods. Gaia, from Dad’s words, one would think that I'm dancing with death himself.
I mutter under my breath, “At least I'm interested in going to the posh court. Come on. We’re losing light.”
Groaning, I pushed my way past him.
I retrace my steps. Down the hallway and out the door into the warm wind that kissed my cheeks. The foreboding forest encircles our town as though it were a noose.
The forest is always in sight but even with its vivid beauty, darkness lurks in its depths.
“Hold on, Pandy.” Dad pulls me to a stop as I groan. “Is Arista planning on coming to the woods with us?”
Subtle my dad is not.
“I don’t know Dad. It’s hard to predict when she'll show up.” I answer awkwardly.
Raising an eyebrow, he presses me for more information. “Have you been seeing your imaginary friend recently?”
Flinching at the directness of the question, I wince. “Yes.” Perhaps I could live a normal life even with the visions. But between Arista and my eyes, Dad knows the odds are stacked against me.
Hades, I know what the odds are and none of them are in my favor.
“Did you take your potion this morning?” Raising an eyebrow at me, I squirm under his gaze.
Pursing my lips, Dad gives me a knowing look. He knows that I'm terrible at remembering it.
Plus, the putrid potion tastes like poison.
I’m not sure how a concoction made from honey could be so foul.
“Why do I need to take that stupid medicine.” I sulk.
The medicine was so foul and acrid that it was like swallowing burning charcoal. The embers scorching my throat as it sinks deep into my core.
“You know why.” Giving me a stern look, I watch as my dad crosses his arms from above me. Towering tall over my head.