Who is she? Her face feels familiar. Like a face I should know. Even her laugh feels familiar.
“Are you okay?” she questions. Her voice was full of concern. “I know the circumstances are far from ideal. Being forced away from your family and everything you know. On top of that being subjected to that prick Apollo.”
Taking a deep inhale, I reply cautiously, “Yeah, and he doesn’t get it. Apollo lords around like he owns me. I hate it.”
How does she know my situation?
Forceful knocks sound at the front door of my room.
“Who is it?” I shouted from the bath as my heartbeat thundered in my ears.
Hades of course. The maiden’s eyes widen as she launches herself out of the tub and pulls on a bathrobe.
“Hekate, you need to go,” I whisper. She nods, scrambling around my quarters.
Wait, how did I know her name?
Why were we naked together in the bathroom?
Gripping my hand, Hekate squeezes. “I'll be back. Just hang in here a bit longer and I will have your passage secured out of this damned court.”
I smile at the maiden. “Thank you. You're an absolute lifesaver. I don’t know where I would be without you.”
Tossing a grin over her shoulder, she replies, “I know exactly where you’d be. Right here in the House of Zeus.”
But Zeus is in Tartarus.
… I thought I’m in Apollo’s court?
Ignoring my confusion, I press on. Giving her a crooked smile, I scrunch my nose at her. “Bye,” I whisper softly.
“What’s taking so long girl?” Shouts Apollo.
Hekate’s silver eyes frantically darted to mine. As if pleading for me to say something back to him.
“One second, I'm in the bath. I just need to get some clothes on,” I improvise. Splashing out of the water, I wrap myself in a robe as the door to the main suite creaks to open.
“Ooo, a bath sounds wonderful right now, what do you say, do you’ve room for two?”
The maiden’s eyes flare wide as we enter the suite.
Think fast Pandy, I encourage myself.
“Apollo, I swear to Hades himself that if you open that door without my permission, I'll gouge those golden eyes from their sockets!” I shout as I ball my hands into tight bundles. This man is aggravating all the time.
Gods help me.
“Fine. Hurry up otherwise I'll reconsider,” Apollo snaps back.
Sighing a breath of relief, the maiden quickly hugs me as she swipes her clothes in one arm and tugs on the sconce between the bathroom and the wardrobe. To which, the panel of the wall creaks open. “Until next time. Don’t let him get you down. We will find a way out of this together.” The wall clinks shut behind her.