Page 160 of Carving Graves

“And you’re her best friend, Ivy,” Balzano volleys with a smack to the table. “Not to mention that Graves serves the O’Reilly camp also.”

“Enough, Johnny,” the final guy at the table demands, obviously rankled. “Fucking hell. Can we not turn this into an ugly ordeal?” The clean-shaven guy, who appears closer to Wells’s age than the other two men, sets a softer gaze on me. “The text was brilliant, Celeste. I’m Payne Logan, and I was quite impressed. Those FBI guys do work for us, but they have yet to discover Ivanna’s identity, as we’ve opted to keep her as our secret for as long as possible. You did a marvelous thing. While trying to free your parents, throw them off the Cabrini scent, and keep yourself from being implicated, you noticed the absence of Ivanna in the evidence and prioritized her safety. There’s nothing left to be said regarding your test.”

“Agreed,” Jared chimes. “Let’s move on. Now, in order to be named as an untouchable, marriage must transpire within a month. We are already about two weeks out from the initial claiming, but we’ve been informed that vows will be exchanged within the proper time frame. Is that correct?”

Liam squeezes my hand so hard that it deflates my lungs. I gulp at the air for assistance. He told me to go along with whatever they said, but I didn’t see this coming.

My lack of oxygen isn’t due to being blindsided though. It’s solely a result of him cracking my petite phalange bones.

As far as marriage, I’m more than amenable. He’s been telling me that he’s my forever for quite a while. We’ve discussed logistics. And let’s face it; I’m in a no-turning-back situation—not that I’d ever dream of any future without him. I’m more than ready to be an official Graves and family member to the Wells, Kingston, Cabrini, O’Reilly, Reynolds, and Porter crew.

That’s a ridiculous mouthful. We should name the house.

My cheeks tickle, and my lips tingle as the joy spreads all the way to my eyes. “Yes. That’s correct.”

Liam exhales the most relieved exultation I’ve ever heard. Did he really think I’d fight him on this?

Always keep them guessing.

“Wonderful,” Jared says in approval. “We’ll expect the certificate to be emailed over at the conclusion. Other than that, I suppose I simply need to mention that we take marriage vows quite seriously. Divorce is not an option. Adultery is not tolerated under any circumstance. Should there ever be an authentic investigation, spousal privilege is to be invoked immediately. You are not permitted to share KORT intelligence, assignments, testing details or the like with anyone outside this room. And finally”—he beams that grandfatherly pride at me again—“congratulations. You are a member of the most powerful kingdom of our time. KORT receives you with open arms.”

“Yes,” Balzano roars, arms flying wide. “Such open arms that your fiancé filleted you a wedding present.”

Liam squeezes my hand again, more painfully than before, so I brace myself for what’s coming.

“Filleted?” I ask him out of the corner of my mouth.

“When someone rips your heart out, Ace …” Liam trails off.

Before I can probe for what the hell that means, Balzano croons, “Make that two.”

My head is spinning. The spirits are alive and well, whipping around the room with a hushed death chant. I smelled it when we entered.

Ivy casts an order, her soft blue eyes planted on mine, encouraging me to employ my poise and apathy. “Bring them in.”

Ty and a couple of the other men’s guards—or maybe seconds-in-command—open the double doors, and two body bags are rolled inside on hospital stretchers.

Liam rises, tugs me to meet him, and leans close to my ear. “I promise this was the best I could do. It’s time for that gorgeous poker face, Ace. Be my strong girl. And breathe through your mouth. Almost over.”

“Welcome to KORT,” Balzano bellows while Liam escorts me toward the black body bags, unzipped at the head.

As I peer down, I see my childhood flash before my eyes.

Summer nights with blinding halos.

Dusty roads clouding drunken cheers.

Race cars and lost virginity.

Easton and Pruitt Lancaster.

The room jostles around me, bile burns my throat, and I stifle a retch.

Liam tucks me under his arm, speaking low against my hair. “I swear to Christ, I bought you a fucking ring, but this is supposed to be an engagement gift. When KORT found out I was planning to kill these motherfuckers, they thought this was fitting, due to their crimes. Go with it. Only other option they offered—the one they vehemently preferred—was that you participate. I worked around that demand by fucking ignoring it, slaughtering them quickly, and framing the other assholes involved for it. But KORT feels unified transgressions bind us, so …”

If one falls, we all fall.

“Understood,” I mutter, choking on the rancid stench.