Page 128 of Carving Graves

I’m honored to share it all with her, even the hard. I did that with Ivy, nursed her through the vicious aftermath of the role she’d chosen. Also an honor. But it wasn’t the same. As much as she leaned on me, Wells was the first sanctuary she sought. As it should be. I never pictured myself in that leading role with anyone. But being the haven for Celeste feels like a lifetime achievement. Like this is what I was meant for.

Gage and Rex are nearly here. They could have shown up four or five days ago, but I told them to give us more time. Once those books arrive, everything will accelerate into the speed of light again. I’m not ready to burst this bubble.

It’s twilight, the mountain still aglow by coral streaks of the withering day. In the center of our spectacular view, a fire crackles in the hearth, fending off the late winter chill. Celeste lies in my arms, back to my chest, studying the scene as we lounge in a recliner.

“Is sunset still your favorite time of day?” I ask, my fingertips drawing circles on the silky plane of her stomach beneath her rucked-up sweater. It’s cashmere. Fitting.

She’s every bit of wildflower and honeysuckle, cashmere and crotch rockets. Thrilling and divine. This is the tethering I never knew I needed, but I want to fucking bathe in every simple second. Submerge myself until every other scent is washed out by hers.

“Yes.” She swallows a breathy giggle, as though she’s expecting a dour reaction, so I don’t indulge it. “Not because it reminds me of goodbyes though. They’re no less inevitable now. More so, it seems. But the night isn’t so lonely with you. Not at all actually. I know you’re there in the darkness with me and after.”

That pinches my lungs, so I choke out, “Good, baby. You’ll never be lonely again.”

“Speaking of that,” she says with boldness, even as her voice is small, “we haven’t talked about some of those things, like where we’ll live.”

“No.” I twist her in my arms so she’s facing me, chest to chest. That way she can’t hide. “I was waiting for you to ask. What do you want?”

She glances away. “I want to know what you think first.”

Tipping her chin up to me, I wait until those brown beauties latch on to mine. “I like the safety of us all being together. And I know it would mean a lot to all of them for us to stay close. But we could build a house on the same property if you’d prefer. You’re my first priority.”

“I felt at home in that house—or at least wanted to.” She bites back a smile, but it’s there. Blooming into a fucking gleaming beam. “It’s kind of bizarre—all of us raising families under one roof—and drastically different from any future I pictured. But that’s what I love about it, so if you’re not opposed, I’d like to stay. I hope Ty and Gage do, too, when they find someone. That’s what Ivy wants.”

“It is,” I confirm with a kiss to her forehead. “And it’s exactly what I hoped you’d say. I never had a family. Wells and the guys were my first taste. But Ivy really made us into one, and I can’t get enough. It wasn’t complete until you though. The thought of us all …” The rest of that sentence gets balled up in my chest.

“I know,” she whispers, sliding up my body.

Her tongue darts out to lick at my lips, eyes hitched to mine until they flutter closed while she captures my mouth in a scorching kiss that enwraps us both in sweltering heat. The best plan of attack to rectify that is to strip, but we’re cutting it too close.

“Don’t get greedy, Ace. No time to worship you the way you deserve.”

She laughs against my lips. “I would have suggested a quickie, but you had to go and call me greedy.” Her fingers crawl down to my already-hard cock, gripping with a torturous pressure. “Now, you’ll have to suffer all night.”

“Have you learned nothing, Carver? Having an audience for your punishment later only encourages me. You’re in for it now. Gage and Rex will be hearing you begging to come and screaming my name through the walls all night long.”

“Promises. Promises.” She rolls off me, her bratty brown eyes mimicking the motion while she gathers our discarded drinks and sashays to the kitchen. “I love it here,” she says, admiring the stars making their evening debut as she deposits the glasses in the sink.

“Wells bought this as an after-baby getaway for Ivy. It’s one of our grander safe houses.”

She whips around, mouth agape, eyes wide with regret. “And we stayed here first?”

I jump up and amble toward her. “Wells offered it, and Ivy would’ve backed that decision if she’d known about it. We take care of each other. That’s how this works. We could buy a hundred more houses. None of it matters.” Stopping before her, I sweep her into my arms and peck her nose. She’s so much tinier when she isn’t all done up. Heels are sexy, but I prefer her bare feet. “This. Moments. Memories. That’s all we want for each other. Wells wanted us to have this time because he loves us both.”

Her eyes swirl with so many unspoken emotions before she launches herself deeper into my embrace. Unfortunately, our canoodling is cut short by the alarm on my phone, alerting me to Gage’s arrival.

With one arm still coiled about her waist, I pull out my phone to check the camera, verifying it’s him. “They’re here.”

Her face contorts into a mixture of elation and sorrow. The night we left, Rex was busy handling arrangements for Keith and Arnold and dealing with their families. He didn’t make it back before we had to leave, so I smoothed it over with the knowledge she’d see him in a couple of days. She buries her face in my neck, her whole body vibrating with distress as I carry her to the foyer.

When I swing the door open, Gage is the first to greet us both—a kiss to my girl’s cheek before he wrenches her from me, hugging her and whispering something in her ear. A laugh rumbles in her throat, validation of how incredible our unconventional dynamic is. Gage gifts her a different sort of serenity. They all will.

Once he sets her down, she flings herself into Rex’s arms, immediately sobbing, and the poor guy unravels. I shut the door and usher Gage away, giving the two of them some privacy.

“How’d it go?”

He slants his head, brows furrowed into a line as he scratches at his inked neck. “Frank is out of joint over not knowing what the hell is happening with his daughter. Can’t say I blame him there.”

“No, but—”