Page 114 of Carving Graves

“Tell me why I can’t stay at your apartment,” I whine to my brother when I walk in the front door from summer photography camp.

Ben’s been so weird and secretive lately, and it’s pissing me off. He sent me a text on my way home, canceling on me again with the consolation that he’d spend the day at home with me.

I huff for dramatic effect. “I always stay on race weekends.”

He glares at the door I just slammed and takes my camera bag off my shoulder. “Because I have stuff to do and I don’t want you there alone, squirt. I already told you that.”

“I’m sixteen, Ben. Not a kid.”

If he knew how unchildlike I’ve been with Easton recently, he’d strangle us both, so I don’t think I’ll use that as an example, but I wish he’d stop babying me.

He chuckles and follows my plodding footsteps upstairs to my bedroom, carting my bag for me. “As is evident by your grumbling.”

“Do you have a lady friend?” I tease, hoping to lighten his sullen mood and get to the bottom of whatever’s bugging him.

“A lady friend?” he parrots. “I have plenty of those, but that’s not why I’m canceling. You’ll always be my number one girl, Cee.”

That’s not true. Someone will definitely steal his heart someday, but I love him all the more for it. Ben is everything family and home should be.

As I veer into my room, I notice a stack of books on my bed, tied in a bow, with a bookmark sticking out of one.

“What are these?” My nose scrunches as I scan the spines of terribly boring conspiracy theory books. “Is this some weird ploy from Mom to get me hooked on being a lawyer?”

“Sit down,” Ben says, all deep and serious, like my father or grandfather.

I obey his uncharacteristic command, but, God, I hope he never morphs into a dull Carver politician.

He grimaces. “I gave you these.”

“Oh.” Guilt rushes through my veins. Any gift from Ben is perfect and welcome. This is weird and not really befitting my interests, but I don’t want him to know that. “Well, it’s about time I read something other than trashy romance novels.”

“I absolutely agree with that.” He laughs, plopping down beside me and tucking me under his arm. “You might not ever need these, but you’ll know if you do. If there’s ever a question, you’ll have the answers.”

That’s practically gibberish. He’s probably hoping I’ll go into law with him too. He’d be the one person I’d snooze through law school for.

“Thanks, Ben. Maybe I’ll need them in college,” I admit, hoping we can get back to the important matters at hand. My gaze floats up to his heavy brown eyes. “Am I not allowed to stay at your place anymore because of your new job? Is it that much more work? Mom said it was a horrible fate that you had to switch firms.”

“No.” He sighs. “That was months ago. It happens. And the workload is no different.”

“Whatever.” I pout, throwing myself back on my bed in a theatrical flop. “Ivy can’t hang out this weekend either. She doesn’t get back from vacation until Sunday.”

He groans and yanks on my ponytail that’s splayed out above my head. “You’re such a little brat. I’m here tonight, and I’ll spend Saturday with you.”

That makes zero sense. “If you’re able to spend Saturday here, then why—”

“Cee. Enough. Meet me in the middle here.” His hand rubs his forehead in exasperated strokes, and in an instant, my brother looks old. Like life has suddenly smacked him in the face. “I have to go to Colorado. I’ll be back Friday night for the race. My place will be a mess. I’d rather be here.”

“Okay,” I give in, not wanting him to be so stressed even though he’s talking in circles. “Will you and Easton pick me up for the race?”

“No,” he says, flicking some stray mocha hairs out of his eyes. “Arnold will drive you with Rex or one of Dad’s other guys.”

“What?” I shriek. “I always go with you.”

“And Mom and Dad always freak out. They already don’t want you to come. This was the best I could do, Cee. I’ll be running late as it is. Take it or leave it.”

“Fine,” I concede. Not even security detail could keep me from Ben’s races. They’re the highlight of any week. “I’ll take it.”

“How long have we been in here?” Ivy whispers, slicing into my memory.