Page 104 of Carving Graves

Wells takes this because we’ve already discussed it at length. And he doesn’t know what the hell to do either. “Right now, no one knows who we are.” He directs his attention to Celeste because she’s the one with the least information here. “Ivy and I aren’t known descendants of the O’Reilly and Cabrini lines. People in our world only know what five organizations head KORT. Since our names are different, that anonymity has afforded some extra protection. Same with our seconds-in-command and our enforcer.” He gestures toward Ty, Gage, and me. “Our location is undisclosed—beyond Luca Cabrini and Daniel O’Reilly, who are retired and have every incentive to keep it hidden. We still have to be careful, but it isn’t common knowledge who we are. Someone would have to dig and be very serious about taking us out.”

“There are idle threats every day,” I add, “but to most of those people, the chairs are faceless.”

“It’s clear now; the Skulls have been watching Celeste,” Wells explains to his wife. It’s a plea of sorts because the idea of her location being revealed is his nightmare. It’s a nightmare none of us want to encounter, especially with the baby. “They’ve seen her with all of us. Naming her as an untouchable for KORT may protect her—”

“At the cost to all of you,” Celeste finishes in understanding. “No.”

The look of pride on Wells’s face for my girl pinches my chest, but it’s Ty’s further explanation that pulls my focus.

“It’s something we know will come out in time. We can’t hide forever, but we’ve been diligent about erasing any leads so far. And with the heightened threat level—”

“We don’t value one life over another,” Ivy snarls.

“You’re missing Ty’s fucking point,” Gage roars, never one to keep his cool in these disputes. He doesn’t tiptoe around feelings when it comes to safety. “It’s not about valuing one life over another. You’d all be in danger, including Celeste.”

He never includes himself in the threats because the man sees himself as invincible.

“There is one life we do value more,” Celeste says, her voice relaying a resolute strength that I’m surprised to see in this discussion. “Felicity comes first. It’s okay to prioritize your daughter over me, Ivy. She comes first for me too.”

Jesus, she’s a goddamn dream.

I knew that I was obsessed with this woman. That my world was orbiting around her. That I’d never fucking let her go.

But I can confidently say I’m irrevocably in love.

I wasn’t convinced when Wells said it because I wasn’t positive what that should feel like. I am now. She’s it.

Without a second thought, I drag her onto my lap, cradle her face, and crash my mouth to hers with a lifetime of pent-up need. Maybe she responded that way because of her love for Ivy or simply because Felicity is the most precious doll there’s ever been. I don’t give a shit what the reason is. She put my family first. Our family. I hope she gets that.

Breaking our kiss, I coil my arms around her and move my lips to her ear. “You’re a fucking fantasy, Carver. Everything. You hear me?”

She nods through a thick swallow, but doesn’t say anything. I’m sure the turmoil with her family is still weighing on her. I can’t do much about that. Some things about this life aren’t easy, but we have each other.

I want her to embrace that, so I add one more thing before returning to the group. “You’re mine. Ours. And we’re yours now, Ace. This is where you fit.”

“Yours,” she whispers back, filling me with relief that she’s on the same page.

Once Wells sees that our moment has concluded, he clears his throat. The Chief may be choked up. My girl just willingly chose his daughter over herself. If she wasn’t his family before, she sure as hell is now. The same goes for Ivy, who’s swiping tears from her cheeks, tucked into his side. And Ty and Gage, who both clearly have lumps in their throats. Maybe it’s good we finally got this mess out in the open, so we can face it together.

Celeste surveys them all and embarks on something totally unexpected. “If I’m going to belong here, I need a role. I can’t just be—”

“I’m glad you brought that up,” Ty breaks in, unable to hold back his need to comfort Ivy or Celeste.

He rises, plants a kiss in Ivy’s hair, wipes one of her tears, and then collapses onto the couch beside me, pulling Celeste to rest between us. It’s an easy decision to let her slide off my lap. I’m aware that I stole something from her with that phone call earlier. It had to be done, but I know that loss stings. She needs to see what she’s gaining here.

“We’ve already talked about it,” he continues, setting his gaze on her. “If you’d be open to it, I’d like you to take over at the shelter for me. I’m spread so thin right now. It’s a big election year, so my KORT work is piling up. We’ll still handle the erasing end, and I’ll be involved. But when they come here for their interim placement, they need—”

“A friend,” she responds, voice wobbly.

“Yeah. Exactly,” he confirms. “Someone who can listen and view them as unbroken when they feel anything but. You’d be perfect, Lettie. We could even bring in some horses down the road.”

She fidgets in her seat with a staggered breath—a rarity for Ace. She’s generally so eloquent and collected. “I’d love that,” she croons, planting a kiss on Ty’s cheek and floating her gaze over the rest of us while clasping my hand. “Thank you.”

We all see you, baby girl.

“No need to thank us,” Wells says in his mentoring tone, soft eyes trained on Celeste. “All of us have our roles, and you’re one of us. Both Ty and Liam have shared how impressive your work is at the stables. We’re grateful for your expertise.”

Not one to dally too long on the heavy or emotional, Wells moves on, addressing the group as a whole. “So, we wait to announce Celeste until things calm down with the Skulls. In the meantime, we’ll continue to be diligent about enhanced safety measures when either of you girls leaves the property.”