Page 166 of Carving Graves

Parking the cart, I scoop her out, fling her over my shoulder while she squeals, and carry her into the garage, setting her in front of my newest bike. “Ivy assured me this dress of yours comes apart easily.”

She laughs, her big brown doe eyes creasing with a hint of panic. “Is this where our consummation is going to transpire, Graves? In the garage?”

“Fuck, it’s sexy when you snap our last name like that, but no. I do need to see the magical way this dress transforms though.”

“Oh.” She smiles, nodding proudly. “Watch this.” She unfastens the sash around her waist and shimmies out of half of the dress, like it was a jacket or robe or some shit. It leaves her in a two-piece ensemble—a strapless top and an ankle-length skirt.

“Gorgeous, baby girl.” I press her against me and capture her mouth, unable to wait another second to taste her. She’ll always be cashmere, wildflowers, and honeysuckle. Home. But crotch rockets could be another symbol for her—thrilling. So, when I release her, I focus on that. “This little getup isn’t ideal for our outing, but it’ll do. Well, the top will do. Exchange your skirt and heels for these jeans and boots.” I hold up the black pants I brought out here for her.

She takes them, glancing around. “We’re going somewhere … alone?”

“Not exactly,” I say while changing my own pants and shoes. “A quick ride. But, yes, alone.”

Once we’re both changed, I reach for the leather jacket I bought her, guiding her arms into the sleeves. On the back, there’s an ace of spades caught on fire because my girl will set the whole goddamn world ablaze.

I shrug off my suit jacket and slip into my leather jacket, too, before passing her a pair of riding gloves and pulling her hair back into a low ponytail while she puts them on.

“You’ve always sought rushes. I know some of that was because you were in pain or numb and you wanted to feel. But I see the way you light up with the adrenaline—the good kind. You don’t have to escape for that anymore.”

Without providing her time to respond, I slide her helmet on, fasten the strap, and put mine on as well. “There are microphones inside,” I tell her through the helmet speaker. “I’m going to walk you through a wedding night adventure before I fuck you like I hate you.”

She giggles. “Well, get on with it already.”

“Yes, ma’am,” I quip, mounting my Ducati Streetfighter V4 S and instructing her to press in behind me.

We aren’t traveling far, just around the perimeter of our property really. There’s one road that is well lit, so I steer us up there. As soon as we hit the strip that I’m comfortable on, I bark out my order while gripping her arm across my waist.

“Hold on.”

She does, and I take us to top speeds while lifting the bike into a wheelie, her screaming and howling through it. If I had any doubts about whether she loved it, she bulldozes them when the front wheel touches the pavement with a jolt.

“Fuck, that was fun.”

That has me chuckling. “I’ve got something a little more intense this time.”

“Prove it,” she volleys.

Christ, she’s perfect.

“This time, I’m going to stand, and you’re going to slide forward and grab the handlebars. Think you can do that?” I ask.

“Sure.” Her confidence is always such a fucking turn-on.

“Then, I’m going to step behind you and do the wheelie standing,” I add, revving the throttle.

Her murmurs of agreement are less confident, but she doesn’t resist.

Taking off, I speak each direction into the helmet mic as we barrel down the empty road. She follows along like a champ, clearly thriving under pressure. And when I balance behind her, lifting that front wheel and hearing her shrieks of excitement under the dotted canopy of night, I’m in heaven.

I could not love this girl more. Fucking made for me.

We do several more exhilarating tricks, but then it’s time for the second part of my promise.

To be certain we don’t get tied up with any of our guests, I take us through the back entrance of our property—the one we use for the abuse victims—and park behind Celeste’s new photography studio.

We dismount the bike, remove our helmets, and I tow her inside. The guys and Ivy snuck in here after we left and lit some candles, laid out blankets and pillows, and scattered flower petals for us.

Celeste beams in the soft amber glow, blowing out a stilted breath. “Wow.”