Page 2 of SEAL's Justice

“Your brother?—”

I shook my head. “I don’t want to hear about my brother.”

His face was triumphant…and I realized, a beat too late, that I had confirmed what he already knew: that I was Nataliya Koza. Moron, I berated myself. It was only a matter of time before he called in backup or ICE or whoever to haul me away?—

“I’m not here to bust you for forging your documents,” Agent Pierce said, motioning for me to sit down. “I really do need to talk about your brother. I was a part of SEAL Team Four, the SEAL team that was sent to extract him and bring him here to the US.” A pained look shadowed his face. “I was with him when he died.”

“I don’t want to hear any of this,” I protested. Even to myself, I sounded weak—and I didn’t walk away. But I didn’t sit down either. I needed to be ready to run.

“Just hear me out,” he said. “Your brother said some things after he’d been shot. It didn’t make a lot of sense, but I didn’t get the impression he was babbling or delirious. I think he knew exactly what he was saying—that it was some kind of code. I thought you might be able to help me interpret it.”

He sounded earnest, but that didn’t mean I was ready to trust him, badge or no badge. Stan Pullman from the US Marshal’s office had a badge too. He’d been perfectly professional at first…until he sold us out. For all I knew, this man was here to do the same thing.

I couldn’t believe this was happening again. Elias was finally making friends at school. His “bestie” was turning nine this weekend: Elias had been invited to a sleepover.He’d been looking forward to it for weeks. But now, instead of cake and ice cream, he was going to have to go on the run, sleeping in the car and driving until we ended up God knew where, where we’d have to start all over again. I’m so sorry, sakharok.

I looked around at the busy diner, at the large picture windows and the sunny, chilly day beyond. Would there be Federal officers waiting for me when I stepped outside later? Would someone be there to stop me when I tried to make my escape?

“I need to check on my other tables,” I said.

“Ms. Koza,” Agent Pierce said, voice gruff now. “This is a serious matter.”

“I get a break in twenty minutes.” It wasn’t even a lie—and it was enough for him to let me go for now. But he’d be in for a surprise in twenty minutes when he realized I was long gone.

I forced myself not to rush back to the counter. I knew Agent Pierce would be watching, so I took my time, picking up plates and checking in with customers as I went. By the time I’d gotten back to Alice, I had a hold on myself and a plan forming in my head.

“How was Tall, Dark, and Handsome?” Alice asked as I came around the counter and began printing receipts for the tables who were ready for their checks.

I snorted. “He asked too many questions.”

Alice chuckled. “He was interested, then.”

Not in the way you’re thinking. “The only person who matters to me is Elijah.”

Being only eight, Elias did better with an alias that was as close to his actual name as possible. He’d only slipped up once, back when we were in Las Vegas and everything was still new.

I hated that we’d have to find yet another new name for him…but there was nothing to be done about it now. If Agent Pierce had found us, others could as well. It wasn’t safe to stay. I looked at Alice, and my heart panged. She was such a dear friend; I was going to miss her. For safety’s sake, I couldn’t even tell her goodbye.

“You’re still so young,” Alice said. “Surely you won’t spend the rest of your life alone.”


“Will eventually leave the nest,” the older woman interrupted. “That’s what little chicks do. You have to think about your life after he’s gone.”

She had no way of knowing how much those words were a punch to the stomach. Elias was diagnosed with Loorer’s Disease at age five. In most cases, a child with Loorer’s didn’t make it to age eighteen. His diagnosis had been devastating for all of us. My then-husband, unable to deal with the news, withdrew more and more until our family crumbled apart. We were divorced within the year, and he made no effort to keep in touch. My brother, on the other hand, leaned in, going above and beyond to make sure we were looked after in every way he could provide. He was a good man, and even if his profession was…not exactly legal, he made good money, and I knew he would have spent every penny on us if I’d let him. He’d adored his nephew—they’d had a wonderful, special bond. And when Anton learned the best medical treatment for Loorer’s was in the US, I knew he was going to find some way to get us here. I just never expected him to turn informant against his powerful boss, agreeing to trade information to Interpol in exchange for witness protection and a new life for the three of us in the US.

Elias and I arrived first and were given our new identities and taken to our new home by the US Marshals. We expected Anton to join us any day.

But nothing turned out how Anton and I had hoped.

I swallowed around the sudden clench in my throat. “I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it.”

Before Alice could say anything else, our manager—a heavy-set man that we called Cookie—stuck his head out of the kitchen. “Leah, empty the trash, will you?”

It was normally the dish washer’s job, but the teenage boy Cookie had hired was still learning the ropes, and he didn’t always move swiftly. And besides, I would take any excuse to get away from Agent Pierce’s measured gaze. “Sure, Cookie.”

Alice put a hand on my arm. “I’ll take care of Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome while you’re gone, if you want.”

I could kiss her. My heart ached at the idea that I would never see her again. “Thanks, Alice,” I said, unable to stop myself from adding, “for everything.”