Page 77 of Love Op

I sipped in a broken breath, and it caught onto a well of tears. Blinking them back, I fell into his kiss, deepening it and tasting Kael’s lips and tongue, just as starving for him as he’d been for me. My fingers fisted the buttery material of his shirt, and I plastered myself against the hard planes of his body. He cradled the back of my head, moving slowly and angling his lips against mine with careful movements that wouldn’t pull at the bruised skin along the side of my face.

I pulled away, panting. “No one’s ever said that to me before.”

His eyes widened in surprise. “Your parents never said that? Or even partners?”

“No one,” I reiterated. “Literally no one.”

His lips opened for a moment, and then his grip at the back of my head tightened. “I love you, Mattie.”

Despite my best efforts, some of the tears escaped my well-constructed barrier. I bubbled out a little laugh-cry. “I love you, too.”

“I love you,” he repeated, tilting his head to skate his lips across mine. “I love you. I really, really fucking love you, Mattie Thorne.”

I laughed again, but he swallowed it in a kiss full of longing and relief. I gave myself over to him, to the way he kneaded the stiff muscles along my back as his lips coaxed mine apart. He licked a line along my upper lip, and then his tongue flicked out to plunge between my teeth, and I remembered the way he’d tortured six delirious orgasms out of my body. My body responded with aching heat. I squeezed my thighs together restlessly.

With a sudden gasp, I pulled away, looking down at myself. “Oh God. I’m in a hospital gown.”

Kael reached around me, and with one deft tug, pulled it off. I sat naked on his lap suddenly, and he dropped it to the floor. “You can have one of my shirts when I’m done with you.”

I smiled, and it pulled at the bruises along my cheeks. “Okay, but, uh, let me wash off first.”

Kael did an up-down perusal of my body on his lap. “Why?”

I put a hand to my throat where blood had dried on my skin. “I have evidence on me. It’s kinda gross.”

“Hm,” he angled away to get a better look at the blood. “I thought it was yours. It’s not?”

“No, I bit a guy.”

His smile turned feline. “Good girl.” Then he arranged his arms around me before lifting me as he stood. He winced, redistributing my weight, and then carried me back to the bathroom.

“This is very chivalrous but unnecessary,” I pointed out.

“Mattie, shut up and let me love you.” Kael maneuvered us into the bathroom, which as far as airplane lavatories went, was pretty swanky. It was the size of a standard powder room, and it had a shower to the left, a separate room with a door for the toilet, and a gorgeous, white marble sink with modern cabinets beneath.

Kael set me on the counter, and I sucked in a breath at how cold the surface felt against my heated skin. Keeping his body close to mine as he stood between my legs, Kael reached over and flicked a red towel off its ring. He reached around me, turned on the sink, and let it run until the water warmed. I glanced to my right at the sink, and then to my left where his other hand lay planted by my bare hip. I should have felt exposed or uncomfortable, sitting there totally naked while my muscled Ghost wet a rag and washed blood from my skin.

But it felt like the most natural thing in the world. He tilted my head gently to the side, swiping at the dried blood that had dribbled down from my lips to my neck. Warm water trickled from the cloth, sliding a path down my collarbone and dipping between my breasts. I shivered, and Kael lowered a heated glance my way. “Okay?”

I gave him one of my plucky Mattie smiles. “This was my evil plan all along. Get kidnapped and almost maimed, and then bite a guy until he bled so I could get you to wash my naked body in an airplane bathroom.”

Kael nodded, scrubbing the dry end of the towel over the skin he’d cleaned. “That sounds just insane enough to be an actual Mattie plan.” He finished, and after tossing the towel to the ground, he pulled me up hard against his body. “And it worked because I’m about to do you one better.”

“Yeah?” I breathed, taking in the delicious slope of his lips before letting myself drown in the polar blue of his eyes.

“Mhm.” He pressed his erection against my heated core, spreading my legs wider. He bent his head and licked a line from between my breasts to my neck where the water had dripped moments before. “I’m going to fuck you in an airplane bathroom.”

“That’s positively scandalous, Kael Last-Name.”

“Specter,” he smiled, pulling away. “It’s Specter.”

I batted his arm. “It is not.”

“Where do you think Ghost came from?” He nibbled the delicate skin on the side of my throat before inhaling his way to my earlobe. He nipped it before adding, “And do you know what I think is a much better last name than Thorne?”

My cheeks went red hot. “Jesus, Kael.”

“Specter, Kael,” he corrected with a grin. “And Mattie Specter.”