“Yeah.” My voice sounded scratchy, and I looked him up and down.
Zev caged me in, planting his hands on either side of me on the wall and angling his body into mine. “Looks like I have a lot to teach you.”
I pressed myself against the wall, staring up at him. When he wore shoes and I stood on bare feet, my above-average height didn’t do a whole lot to mitigate the way he towered over me. I’d heard attraction described as butterflies, but I wasn’t sure that was accurate. It was more like an army of drones that buzzed around in my stomach and rattled my brain. “I swear, I’m marginally intelligent most of the time.”
He cocked a smile. “I don’t think they measure intelligence based on lived experience. I already know you’re smart.”
“I guess that’s why we smart people make deals to… learn stuff.”
“Hm,” Zev looked away in thought, leaning closer so his leg pressed into mine. “Clever of you brainy types.” His gaze flicked to me, focusing on my lips.
I rolled my lips inward and then said, “Are you uh… starting class right now?”
“Seems like a good time,” he murmured, shifting so his palms slid down the wall and then landed lightly on my arms with a feathery touch.
My heart went crazy, and I sucked in a sudden breath. “Seems sudden,” I replied tightly.
“Why?” Zev trailed his hands up my arms. “You busy?”
“I’m not prepared… I have to, you know, get in the mindset.” But even as I spoke my body betrayed my desires and I lifted my chin to him.
“My mindset is, you smell like strawberry shampoo and you’re wearing a towel, and it’s making me want to lick you,” he said, his voice dipping along with his head.
I held my breath, my eyes going wide. Whoa. He’s really good at the whole seduction thing. Although, if I’m thinking about how good he is at the seduction thing, then maybe I’m not doing a very good job of letting him do the seduction thing…
“Stop thinking,” he whispered, and a smile tugged at his lips.
“I can’t. This is why I barfed and then passed out the last—” I stopped, realizing that was way too much information.
“Well, I want that story later,” he grinned. “But I don’t know why you’d be nervous. If you’re worried I’ll think you’re inexperienced, I think we’ve been over that—I know you are. And it’s kind of sexy, actually.” He ghosted his fingers up my shoulders to the sides of my neck. “And if you’re worried I’ll think you’re clumsy, I literally pulled your foot out of a balcony. I know you’re clumsy. It’s hilarious.”
I let out a rueful laugh, tilting my head and letting my eyes flutter half-closed as his fingers tickled up to my jaw.
“If you’re worried you’ll pass out, I’ll catch you.” He leaned down close, angling his mouth over mine and cupping my face with both hands. “You’re safe with me, Isla.”
I exhaled, my shoulders relaxing and my nerves settling. “Okay.”
“Okay, then,” he whispered, his lips so close to mine that I could feel the puff of warm air that fogged over mine. His thumbs tilted my chin to an angle. “Close your eyes.”
I did, swallowing nervously as I pressed my lips together. Was this like a team effort where I magically knew when to move forward the same time he did? Or did I wait for him? That didn’t seem very feminist friendly. Maybe if I just leaned into him, our lips would touch and then he would—
“Stop. Thinking,” he murmured, his lips brushing mine with each word.
I let out a quiet, muted shriek behind closed lips. He gusted out a single laugh, and then his lips pressed against mine. It only took a second for me to realize that kissing was infinitely better than I’d imagined.
The way his lips molded to mine, pressing firm but marshmallow soft, it was delicious. My hands left my chest, and I found myself grasping his shirt like I wanted to pull him closer. He obliged, moving his lips over mine in a silky slide as he pressed his body to me. His beard tickled around the kiss like that feather-light touch he had used on my arms, and then he fitted his bottom lip between mine, coaxing my mouth open.
I wasn’t sure about that. What the hell did I do with my mouth once it was open?
I felt him smile against me. “Open your mouth, Isla.”
I hesitated for a moment, and then I remembered what he’d said. You’re safe with me...
I opened my mouth, and he shifted his hand around the back of my neck, pulling me into the kiss. He slanted his mouth against mine, and his tongue flicked out, filling my mouth with satisfying warmth that traveled from my tongue to my breasts like I’d swallowed a full mug of hot cocoa.
I did the same to him, tentative at first, flicking my tongue against his and exploring how his teeth felt along my sensitive tongue. He sighed through his nose, and it ended on a groan. I tilted into him, slowly, like my body knew what I really wanted, and as I did, I felt his erection press hard between my legs. Instinctively, I pushed my hips against him, and mother of God that feels good.
I kissed him eagerly, molding my lips to his, following his lead and losing myself in the feel of him. There wasn’t room for thought. I felt. I burned. I craved more of him, and the heat spiraled down between my legs. Zev groaned into my mouth, and our breath mingled as he changed the angle of the kiss, deepening it. Heat invaded my senses, and I grappled to be nearer to him. I chased each kiss with increasing need, soldering our bodies together in a swirl of warmth and panting breaths.