Sometimes, I felt like I’d teleported. One second, I was somewhere completely logical, and then I blinked, and I was somewhere else entirely. In this case, I found myself lying on my side facing the maple tree, and as far as I could tell, I had landed in one piece. The paved stone under the bench was hard, though, and I sat up rubbing my shoulder and wincing at the soreness. Then I realized I was naked.
“What?” I gusted out, looking down at myself. I’d been stripped from the waist-down, and although I still wore my overall shorts, they had been shoved down my body along with my bra, so my breasts were exposed.
Shaking, I replaced the bra over my breasts and looked around. How could my clothing have fallen off when I fainted? It didn’t make any sense. My bra straps were still on, and my arms were still through my sleeves. It had all been shimmied down like a straw wrapper down an opened straw.
I wiggled my clothing back up, still shaking and confused. The movement pulled at a pain in the fleshy underside of my forearm, and I bent my elbow to peer at it.
“Ah,” I cried out, pressing my lips together in derision. I had a rapidly spreading bruise in the shape of a bench arm, and the impact had torn a small gash in the skin. “Gross,” I groaned.
I pulled myself to my feet, sighing, and fetched my phone, which thankfully hadn’t cracked when it had fallen to the gray stone. Tristan had hung up, and I suddenly wasn’t in the mood for the panicked, self-blaming conversation that would likely happen when Tristan confirmed that I’d fallen, and he magically hadn’t been there to save me. Like he’d ever been there to save me. I texted him instead.
I’m fine. Sorry. Anyway, I was just
telling you I’m at Zev’s bc the paparazzi are annoying.
I know where you are.
Zev asked me first.
You do realize this is the 21st century
He just didn’t want to piss off his sister’s fiancée.
Wait… fiancée???
Yeah I asked her last night.
Hopefully she let you down easy.
?? Hilarious. What happened?
You passed out? You should drink more water.
You should mind yo
Three dots bounced on the screen, but I shut it off and slipped the phone in my pocket. I really wasn’t in the mood. Plus, my arm was bleeding and was about to stain my favorite jumper.
Warily, I looked around the backyard with the hair on my arms standing up and turning my skin into a bumpy, orange-peel texture. I didn’t notice anything amiss, but my clothes falling off felt distinctly wrong. I couldn’t think of a logical way it would have happened, but I didn’t see anyone around, either. Shaking it off, I hurried through the doorway and across the sunroom before I got blood on Zev’s floors.
I rinsed the gash under the kitchen faucet, sucking in through my teeth as the cold water stung the gash. “Mother fucker,” I gritted out. The cold felt good on the spreading bruise, which more and more looked like it would take on a circular shape, but it stung the open cut. At least it wasn’t my head. Silver linings.