I didn’t want to imagine what the price tag had been, and thankfully, I didn’t have to. Lucas had taken care of that entire side of things and had told me not to worry about it at all. He wanted our day to be as special as possible, after all, so spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on a wedding dress was nothing for him.

It certainly made me feel like a princess or someone from a fairytale. And Vanessa, Rachel, and Ana all commented on this as they helped me to get dressed.

They were all, of course, my bridesmaids. They wore matching dresses in a deeper shade of baby pink with pearls dotting the bodices and no trains to trail behind them. Their bouquets were made of baby’s breath and dotted with even more freshwater pearls and a few choice roses.

My bouquet was the same, but with way more roses and a lot larger. All in all, we looked lovely together.

“You look like a dream,” Ana said with a sigh as Rachel laced up the back of my dress.

“I hope I look just as lovely in my wedding dress,” Rachel said, looking over at Vanessa with a smile. In the year since Reese had been born, Vanessa and Rachel had finally come out and told us that the two of them were dating. And Vanessa had proposed to Rachel on top of that.

It was a fairy tale ending for all of us, it seemed.

Well, all of us except Samuel, who still seemed to have no luck in love. But we knew that he would find it eventually. And when he did, we would all be there to support him through it.

“I think Lucas might just keel over when he sees you,” Vanessa said as she examined me. “I don’t think he ever expected you to look this lovely. It’s going to be the death of him.”

I giggled. “I certainly hope not. The two of us still have a child to raise, after all.”

“That is true. I’m sure he’ll make sure that everything is all right then.” Vanessa laughed. “He wouldn’t leave you alone with that little tyrant Reese after all.”

Reese was quite the little tyrant. In the year since he had been born, he had learned how to walk (with a little help for farther distances) and could say some basic words. He tended to get into everything, and since Lucas and I didn’t want to hire a nanny or anything like that it left us taking turns off work to keep him out of trouble.

He loved to explore, and he loved being read to. He loved especially going to the park and playing out in the rain with his toys. He had learned to draw and was a master scribbler of all things. We had to supply a constant barrage of paper and coloring books to make sure that he wasn’t drawing on any of the walls. We had already had a few casualties that had to be washed out and painted over.

I had a feeling that later in life he would definitely be a great artist or something like that. He seemed to truly enjoy the act of drawing after all, and we did our best to continue to encourage him in it. We had plenty of his pictures all around the house, and we had a feeling that we would only keep adding to that collection.

“I wonder if he’ll remember today,” I said with a sigh.

“He might have some vague memory of it,” Rachel said. “And even if he doesn’t, you’ll have plenty of photos for him to look at when he’s older. I think he’ll love seeing himself in a little suit all dressed up for your wedding.”

“I hope so. I can’t imagine he’s enjoying being wrangled into a suit right now.”

It was a constant battle to keep Reese in clothing of almost any kind. We had found that he liked soft cotton clothing the best, but he did not like pants. Eventually, we settled on onesies and overalls. This was definitely not what he was wearing to the wedding though, so I could imagine that he was doing his best to protest the suit.

Or maybe he had finally decided to be a good little boy for once. I certainly hoped that it would be that.

Vanessa laughed. “Oh, and it’s going to be my joy to walk him down the aisle in that little suit holding the rings. I certainly hope he at least holds my hand like the good little boy I know he can be.”

“When has he been that?” Ana questioned with a smile. “He both makes me want to have children and makes me fear their very existence.”

“He can be good when he wants to be,” I protested. “You know there’s been a few occasions where he’s understood the importance of behaving.”

“I certainly hope today is one of those days,” Vanessa said, shaking her head. “Or else I’m going to have an absolute time getting him down the aisle.

Ana nodded sagely, beginning to put the flowers that matched my bouquet into my hair. We had decided to go with a simple updo that could be threaded with fresh flowers. I was already wearing a crown of pearls and a low-seated veil.

Lucas and I had considered going with the more traditional approach of having a veil that covered my face, but he said he didn’t want to obscure my face for one minute. He then called me his star in a dark sky, and I had smiled and agreed to go with the less traditional veil situation.

Rachel gasped and clasped her hands together as Ana finished. “You look absolutely lovely. I don’t think Lucas is going to be able to keep his eyes off of you.”

“Agreed,” Ana and Vanessa said at the same time, then looked at each other and giggled.

“Good to know you guys all have confidence in me,” I said with a sigh. “I’m actually feeling quite nervous now. I don’t know what I’m going to do, it feels like the whole world is going to fall down the moment I set foot outside of this room.”

“Oh, baby.” Vanessa pulled me into a hug, squeezing me tightly. “You’re going to be okay; you know that? The love of your life is waiting for you, and I know that the moment you set your eyes on him you’re not going to see anything else in that room. It’s going to be all right.”

“Thank you, Vanessa.” I squeezed her back, then let go. I took a deep breath. “I think it’s about time that we all got ready, huh?”