“I love you,” I said. I meant it, more than anything I had ever said before.

“I love you too,” she said, and I could hear the sincerity in her voice. I was glad for it, because I knew that what I was going to do after dessert would need that sincerity, would need those feelings between us.

Our server arrived then, handing us a pair of menus with a smile.

“Can I get you two started with anything to drink?” he asked.

I nodded. “Can we get a bottle of your 2016 cabernet and two glasses of water please.”

“Of course, I’ll get that for you right away.” He retreated back to the kitchen, giving us a moment to look over our menus.

“Anything catch your eye in particular?” I asked.

She tilted her head to the side, flipping through the menu again. “I might try one of their sandwiches. They all sound pretty yummy.”

“A good choice. I’ll probably go with a seafood dish,” I said. “If you let me have some of yours then you can feel free to have some of mine.”

She clasped her hands together. “That sounds wonderful! I think that’s a great plan.”

“Fantastic. We’ll get some salads as an appetizer and then make sure to save room for dessert.”

“Great!” She smiled at me from across the table and in that moment, I fell even more in love with her.

The two of us conversed all through dinner in that cute little French restaurant. It was very much in a romantic style. It had little gingham curtains and candles were on each of the tables. The silverware and tableware all matched in a quaint fashion and little white flowers rested in glass vases.

There were a few other patrons in the restaurant, but not so many that it would cause a scene. It was the perfect place to propose.

So after the two of us had had our dessert, I reached into my pocket and grabbed the ring box. Then, making sure that she was watching, I knelt down in front of her on one knee and pulled out the box.

There were tears in her eyes as I began to talk.

“Bella, I can’t imagine there being anyone else that I would want to be with the way that I want to be with you. You’re beautiful and kind and lovely and everything that I could hope for. I want you to be mine, more than anything else in this world.

“Ever since that first day that we met, I knew that we would have a future together. I didn’t know what kind, but now I do know. I know the kind of future that I want to have with you. And it’s one that has the two of us sharing our lives. I want to be in your life, and I want to be in the life of your child. I want to be the father that your child deserves and the husband that you want.

“I can’t imagine ever losing you again, so I’m asking you now, will you marry me?”

She wiped a stray tear from the corner of her eyes. “Of course, of course, I will marry you. I can’t imagine anyone else that I would want to spend the rest of my life with, to have as the father of my child.”

“Good, because I don’t know what I would have done if you said no.” I laughed, then slipped the ring onto her finger.

It was a band of platinum with little diamonds set into flower shapes. It had metal vines twining around it and little gold leaves imprinted with swirling designs.

There was clapping from all around the restaurant as the two of us rose up and I pulled her into my arms.

“I love you,” I whispered in her ear. “You’re more beautiful than anything I could have imagined. I know for sure that you’re the one for me, Bella.”

“I love you too.”

* * *

After dessert and the proposal, the two of us headed out to the car.

“Where is it that you want to go?” I asked.

“What do you mean?” she asked, tilting her head to the side.

“I mean—” I leaned over and kissed her lips then looked her in the eyes “—do you want to come back to my place, my beautiful fiancée? Or do you want me to drop you back at yours and we can tell your mother the good news?”