“Well, you know what I mean. I suppose it isn’t exactly straight to bed, but definitely straight to the bedroom.” I winked and she responded by blushing and ducking her head.

“Lucas,” she whispered, “we’re in a restaurant right now!”

“I know that. But the only things these suckers are going to do is be jealous that they don’t have someone as beautiful as you sitting across from them, discussing what you’re going to do for the night.”

She ducked her head in that cute little fashion she had, and I knew that the blush must be spreading all across her face by now, probably even down her neck. Bernadette had never been someone who was good at hiding her feelings. I was surprised that she had managed to hide her attraction from me for that long. But maybe I had also been extremely oblivious to all the tells.

Now that I thought about it, she had acted a little flustered whenever I touched her or was too near to her, but I had thought that was just the way that she was. How long had she been hiding the fact that she liked me, too?

Maybe for as long as I had. Maybe for longer.

That wasn’t what mattered, though. What mattered now was the fact that the two of us were together, and we knew what the other person felt. Oh, and of course the all-important fact that she was spending the night over, and I would be able to show her that other side of me.

I had always dreamed of having Bernadette in my bed, doing unspeakable things to her, making her call out my name into the night. And now it looked like it was finally about to become a reality.

A reality that I would savor for as long as it lasted.

* * *

The day couldn’t have gone on for any longer. I think if it had, I would have gone over to Bernadette’s desk, grabbed her hand, and led her out of the office right then and there so that the two of us could have the time together that I wanted.

I was imagining the million and one things that I wanted to do to her, with her, say to her as the afternoon went on and it was making it hard to concentrate. I could only imagine that she was feeling something similar though, and so I tried to not complain too much inside my head. Even if she had been the one to confess, I had been the one to put her in the situation to do that.

So it was my fault? The blame was too confusing to try to place, so instead, I tried to focus on actually concentrating on my work, not that I got much done.

As soon as it was time to leave, I packed as quickly as I could, feeling like a giddy little schoolboy as I went over to Bernadette’s desk.

“Are you ready to go?” I asked.

“Just give me a second,” she said. “I’m not as fast at packing up as you are.”

In a few more minutes she was packed, and then I threaded my arm through hers and walked her out to the parking lot.

“I can drive you to grab your car tomorrow, if you’d like to take mine back to my place.”

She considered my offer for a moment but then shook her head. “I’ll just drive to yours. That way if my mom calls and freaks, I can leave.”

“I hope she doesn’t, but I understand,” I said, giving her hand a squeeze and then letting her walk off to her car. I got into mine and drove the short drive out of the parking lot and back to my house.

The drive seemed way too long. And because I got back to my house before Bernadette did, the wait for her was also way too long. I just wanted her in my arms again so that I could give her a first kiss for us to remember forever.

I had no doubt that was also what she wanted. I wanted to fill her beautiful little brain with memories of me so that she could forget everything that had happened with that stupid frat boy at that stupid party that her ridiculous “friends” had dragged her to.

I wished that I could have saved her that night. Swooped in and been her first instead of that jerk, who definitely didn’t even care except for the fact that he was getting some action. So now I would make it my mission to replace all those memories, to give her something to fondly remember instead.

Finally, she arrived. Her car pulled up to the front of the house and she stepped out in all her beautiful glory.

I ran outside to meet her, sweeping her into my arms and placing a kiss on her brow.

“I really do wish you had come with me,” I said. “It felt like forever waiting for you to get here, and that long car ride back all by myself…”

“Oh come on,” she giggled. “You’re just being a big baby about it, it wasn’t even that long!”

I kissed her forehead again, then peppered her cheeks with even more kisses. “Maybe for you, but I just wanted to have you in my arms the entire time. You don’t understand how much I’ve missed you.”

“Missed me? It’s been ten minutes at most.” But she laughed again. “All right, we really should get inside before you make a fool of yourself out here.”

“I don’t mind making a fool of myself as long as it’s with you.”