I knew that at this point no matter what I did, Bernadette’s mother would be suspicious of me.

She had been suspicious of my family and what we did for the longest time, and I knew that there was no way I was going to be able to change that, no matter what I might tell her or how I might assure her that I was no threat to her daughter, and neither was my family.

Because we really hadn’t come about our money illegally. My dad’s company had just kicked off rather suddenly, some investments came back in more than full, and there we were with more money than we knew what to do with.

I wouldn’t trade it for the world, though. That money had sent me to college. And while they might not know it, it had sent Bernadette to college as well.

We had negotiated with her mother’s employer to get her both a promotion and a raise and then had them give some of our money to her through her pay check. It was to send Bernadette through school, and while her mother had been suspicious, she had still taken the money. Which meant Bernadette had gotten the education that she deserved.

And now I wanted to make sure that she also got the job she deserved so that she and her baby could have the life that they deserved.

I wished that I could just give it to her, but I knew that she wouldn’t be happy that way. Like her mother, she liked to work for what she got in life, and she would never be able to accept that much help from me, even if it made me happy.

So instead, I decided that I would take her to dinner, where I could offer her a job so that she could work for the support that I so desperately wanted to give her.

That would satisfy us all in some way, wouldn’t it? I would get to support her, and she would have a job.

I called her up the next day and told her that I would take her out to dinner. She was hesitant of course, as she and her mother usually had dinner together and she didn’t want to keep making her mother suspicious, but I told her that this was important, and she soon relented.

As I got off the phone with her, I headed online to make us reservations at a restaurant.

I wanted to take her somewhere nice, but I also wanted to make sure that she didn’t feel too overwhelmed by my choice. Eventually, I settled on a nice Italian place and made us reservations for six-thirty.

I have our reservations all ready, I texted her. Shall I meet you there? Or do you want me to drive you?

I really hoped that I could drive her. I wanted to be cheesy and old-fashioned and pick her up in my nice car with a nice suit on. But I had to remind myself that this was in no way a date, I was just helping her with getting a job. We were having this dinner as friends, nothing more.

I can drive myself, came her text back, which made sense. Why would she want me to drive her when she could just as easily drive herself?

All right. Meet me here at 6:30. I sent her the address for the restaurant, and it was several long moments before I received her text back.

There? But it’s so expensive.

I’m paying, don’t you worry. Besides, I already made us reservations.

I guess so. I could almost hear the defeat in her text, and I smiled to myself. Another success, the two of us would be eating some good food tonight.

See you then.

* * *

I waited for Bernadette outside the restaurant when I got there. I wanted to make sure that mine was the first face that she saw, and also that she wasn’t too intimidated. And, of course, on top of that, I wanted to see her before anyone else got the honor.

She always looked so lovely when she dressed up, and though I knew it was wrong to feel this way about her, I still hoped that she would do so for me. It was a foolish wish, but I couldn’t help the way that I felt for her.

Finally, I saw someone walking through the parking lot with hair in a million braids like Bernadette had gotten done recently to her natural hair. She was wearing a pink silk dress and a little smile.

“Bella,” I called, putting out my arm. She hurried over and took it, leaning in to whisper to me.

“This place is so nice, and we’re not even inside yet.”

I laughed. “The inside is even better; I can assure you.”

“I admit, I feel a little intimidated. I don’t think I’m dressed nearly fancy enough for this place.”

I resisted the urge to lean over and kiss her cheek. “You look lovely,” I assured her. And my thoughts in my head went, I can’t take my eyes off of you.

We headed inside and I let the hostess know my name for our reservations. She smiled and guided us to a little table set for two with flowers and a candle in the center.