I shrugged. “I didn’t know what else to do. What else was I supposed to do?”

“Maybe go after her,” Samuel suggested. “That’s usually what a girl wants in a situation like that, for you to follow her and show her that you really care. But of course, you managed to do none of that, sounds like you just sat there with a stupid look on your face.”

Rachel placed a hand on his arm. “Be a little gentler, Samuel. You can tell he’s hurting.”

“I don’t care if he’s hurting.” Samuel threw up his arms. “The fact is he had love, true love, and he threw it away just like that. If he doesn’t go after her then I say he doesn’t deserve her.”

“While I would normally agree I say currently that both of them are confused,” Vanessa said, cutting in. “She was so hurt by the fact that you would throw everything away just like that, but I can also tell that she wants you back. You just have to be smart about what you do next.”

“I would bring her flowers,” Howard said, looking over at Ana who smiled back at him.

“Or just yourself,” she suggested. “I know that if I was in that situation all I would want would be for Howard to come after me.”

At that he looked down at his feet, a blush coating his face. “Of course, I would come after you. It’s what any good boyfriend, or husband, would do.”

“I don’t think she even thinks of me as her boyfriend right now,” I said. “After all, for all she knows, I was trying to break things off with her. And she hasn’t contacted me at all.”

“Because she’s emotional.” Vanessa sounded exasperated. “She’s absolutely distraught over the whole thing, as I imagine you are too. Which is why you need to go after her. Show her that you love her, show her that you care enough to chase her. I think that’s what she wants right now. For you to show her that you want her badly enough to do something as crazy as show up at her front doorstep.”

“You think that’s really what she wants?” I asked, feeling a little skeptical.

“Of course, that’s what she wants!” Vanessa said. “Believe me, I would know.”

“Have you talked to her? Is she doing okay?” I asked, leaning forward in my seat.

“Of course, I’ve spoken to her. Why did you think I organized this whole thing? And I guess physically she’s fine. But emotionally she’s definitely not. We’ve been in contact for the past few days and she’s definitely very sad. In fact, I asked her why she wouldn’t just talk to you, even after I told her that everything was definitely a misunderstanding. And do you know what she said? She wanted you to come forward first.”

It was nice to know that that was what she wanted, but it hurt my heart to think that she was sad, especially when it had been me that had made her feel that way.

“Okay,” I finally said. “I think I can see all of what you’re saying. I’ll go to her and try to make things right that way.”

“Good,” Vanessa said, and everyone else nodded.

“I’m glad you’ve come to your senses,” Samuel said. “I definitely wouldn’t let that one get away. Isn’t she your best friend?”

I nodded, and Ana clasped her hands together excitedly. “Do you think you two will get married?”

“I think it may be a little soon to be asking those questions,” Rachel said softly. “They have to at least get back together first. Otherwise, it would be like something out of a novel.”

“You know, that might actually be a good idea,” I said, the wheels in my mind starting to turn again.

“Don’t tell me you’re planning on proposing to her already,” Samuel said.

“I mean, why not? She’s my best friend and I know that I never ever want to lose her again. Besides, I was planning on proposing before the baby is born anyway.”

A chorus of “You were?” rose from the room around.

“Wow, you really messed up then,” Vanessa said. “Letting her leave before you could even propose to her.”

“I didn’t want to when she was facing so much turmoil with her mom. But now I know that I have to, because I’m absolutely lost without her. I never want her to leave me again.”

“That’s so sweet!” Ana said, clasping her hands together. “Really romantic in fact. You know what, I think you should go through with it. Just tell her exactly what you’ve told us, and you’ll be fine.”

“Oh, I plan on it,” I said. “I want her to know exactly how I feel about her. And this seems like the best way to do it.”

“I can tell you’re set on this,” Vanessa said. “So, all I will say is good luck, and go get her back. We’re counting on you.”

I was definitely going to do exactly that. But first, I had some shopping to do.