Drew adjusts himself and grimaces. “What is it with that kid and the nuts? Karma’s going to be a real bitch to him when he gets older.”
I laugh. “Well, for his sake, let’s hope Karma has forgiven him by then. Hey, as cute as this Santa thing is, when’s Uncle Drew making an appearance? Nate’s really excited to give you the present that he made.”
He smiles. “I have regular clothes under this. I’ll ditch the suit in my truck and be back in just a few.”
“Nathan,” I call over my shoulder, “Santa has to go visit other boys and girls before he heads back to the North Pole. Say goodbye.”
Nate waves his hand. “Bye Santa!”
“Ho! Ho! Ho!” Drew replies. “Goodbye, Nathan. Be a good boy!”
“I’ll leave the door unlocked. Just come in.”
He nods. “Be right back.”
I close the door and join the boys by the tree.
Riley places a light kiss on my lips. “It’s our first Christmas together as a family.”
I smile. “That it is.”
Nate climbs in my lap. “Can I open pwesents now, Momma?”
I grab a box and place it in his lap. “Yes, sweetie.”
Nate goes to town ripping the paper off and squeals when he sees his new toy. “Iron Man! Daddy, can you get him out?”
Riley gets to work opening the box and freeing Nate’s new action figure when Drew walks through the door.
“Merry Christmas!” he says.
Nathan jumps up and starts running towards him. “Unca’ Drew! I got Iron Man!”
Drew flinches when Nate gets within reach of his balls and swings him into his arms to avoid another mishap. “Iron Man? That’s so cool, buddy!”
“C’mon, Unca’ Drew, let’s open more pwesents! I made you the bestest pwesent ever with lots and lots of pink glitter!”
Drew smirks and takes a seat on the floor next to me, propping Nate on his lap. “Yes! Glitter presents are the best! Let’s show this wrapping paper who’s boss, little man.”
I smile as I watch the three most important men in my life sit by the tree opening gifts. Riley and I share a glance and I have to fight back tears from the overwhelming happiness I feel right now. These boys are my everything. I couldn’t imagine a better way to celebrate the holidays than with them by my side.