I inhale deeply and have to fight a porny moan when I detect the unmistakable notes of garlic and red sauce. “The food smells wonderful, Sofia. Can I help with anything?”
“No, my dear, it’s all ready to go. Just warming in the oven waiting for you two to get here.” She positions herself in between me and Brody and wraps her arms around us. “Come. Drinks and antipasto are in the den. Your friend is there keeping Carlotta company.”
She leads us down to a sunken room filled with a tufted leather couch, a roaring fireplace, and a loaded bar cart. It’s simple but cozy—totally my jam. Drew and Charlee are sitting together—practically nose-to-nose I might add—sipping some amber liquid. When Drew spots us, he immediately scoots to the other side of the couch, leaving Brody’s sister looking awfully confused. That’s...interesting.
“Whatsup, fucker?” Brody says by way of greeting.
Sofia smacks him on the back of the head. “Language!”
“Ow!” Brody whines, rubbing his head. “Mom, I’m twenty-seven. I’m allowed to say fuck.”
“Not in my house, you’re not. We have guests—don’t act like an animal. You’re lucky your nonna is napping right now.” Turning to me she adds, “Rainey, may I get you a drink?”
“Sure, I’d love a glass of wine.”
She hands me a glass of red and claps her hands together to get everyone’s attention. “Dinner will be on the table in ten minutes. Don’t be late.” She narrows her eyes at Brody. “Again.”
I wait for her to leave the room before I smack his bicep. “I told you she would be mad!”
He rubs his arm. “Why the fuck are all the women in my life so abusive? Jesus.”
I roll my eyes. “Stop being a baby, Brody. I’m serious.”
Charlee laughs. “Relax. She’ll get over it.”
I grab a piece of mozzarella with salami wrapped around it, moaning when I take a bite of the salty goodness. “God, I’m so hungry. I haven’t had salami in forever.”
Brody wraps a hand around my hip and pulls me into his side. “Honey, if you want to play hide the salami, I can make it quick.”
I give him a wry look. “As tempting as that is, your salami is the reason your mother is pissed off right now. I’ll pass.”
Charlee gets up from the couch. “Well, I hope everyone is hungry because we have enough food to feed an army. It’s not a true Sicilian Christmas unless you’re eating nonstop. Mom, Nonna, and I made lasagna, eggplant parm, and puttanesca. For dessert, we have cannoli, buccellatti, and cassata.”
“Do you think your parents would mind if I moved in?” Drew asks. “I have no idea what half that stuff is but I want it in my belly.”
Charlee turns her attention towards Drew and looks him up and down appreciatively. “Yeah, my mom always goes overboard, but she’ll insist you try everything. I might need your help working off the calories later.”
Drew does this weird fake cough thing while Brody’s fists clench.
“Charlotte, knock it off,” Brody growls.
She smirks. “Knock what off, B?” When Brody glares at her, she rolls her eyes. “Never mind, I don’t care. I’m going to go wake Nonna up for dinner.”
Brody waits until his sister is out of earshot then points a stern finger at Drew. “Don’t even think about it, dude. I’m activating Bro Code.”
Drew holds his hands up. “Got it.”
“What the hell are you two talking about?” I ask.
“Sisters are off-limits,” Brody explains. “Charlee has a bad habit of hitting on my friends so I was just reminding Drew here that he’s not allowed to do anything about it.”
“You’re an idiot,” I say.
He smirks and plants a kiss on my lips. “Ah yes, but I’m your idiot.”
I smile. “You are.”
He grabs my hand. “C’mon, baby, let’s go eat.”