I trace my finger down his jaw. “You don’t need to thank me, Beckett. I’m happy to do it. I’m just sorry it took me so long.”
Beck brushes some damp hair away from the side of my face. “I love you, Presley James.”
“I love you too, Beckett Armstrong.” I press up on my toes and kiss him softly on the lips. “You want me to stop by when I get home tonight?”
He nods. “Always.”
“Well, okay then, Cowboy.” I laugh when he narrows his eyes and pinches my backside. “I’ll see you tonight. By the way, I won’t complain if you’re waitin’ for me in your birthday suit.”
Now he laughs. “Well, I aim to please, darlin’.”
I make a shooing gesture. “Go talk to your dad, Beckett. I’ll see you tonight.”
I don’t turn back to check, but I can feel his eyes on me during my entire walk to the parking lot, so I put an extra sway in my hips. I hop in my new-to-me CJ7 and crank the engine. As I’m pulling out, Beckett lifts one hand in a wave, so I blow him a kiss in return right before I drive through the gates.
God, I love that man.
* * *
“Hey, Theo, has it been busy?”
Theo looks up from his spot behind the bar. “Hey, Pres. Pretty slow right now, but it’s been hoppin’ most of the night.”
“Where’s Clay?”
He jerks his head toward the hallway. “Workin’ on the books.”
“Let me go stash my purse in the back, and I’ll be right out.”
He nods in reply.
When I open the door to Clay’s office, I’m frozen in shock.
“Damn, Nicky,” my brother groans from his position at her back. “Why is your pussy my favorite? You’re an honest-to-God witch, aren’t you?”
Nicky stretches even farther over the surface of the desk, gripping the edge with her talons. “Just shut up and fuck me, Clayton. I’m not interested in your riveting conversational skills.”
I cringe as the sound of skin slapping on skin gets louder. “Oh, that’s right. You just want me for my dick.”
“And your tongue,” she pants. “As long as you’re not usin’ it to talk.”
Maybe if I wasn’t singing along to the song blasting loudly through the speakers, I would’ve noticed the noises coming from behind the door before I opened it. Maybe if Clayton and Nicky weren’t so busy screwing each other on top of his desk, they would’ve noticed me and took cover. Maybe if I wasn’t so stunned, I wouldn’t still be witnessing this shit show from the doorway. I suppose I should be thankful they’re both still mostly dressed, and behind the desk, so my view is limited, but my brother’s thrusting hips are something I could’ve gone my whole life not seeing.
I finally shake out of my stupor long enough to cover my eyes and back out of the room. “Ugh, sorry. I’m leaving.”
“What the hell?” Nicky screams right before I shut the door. “Get the hell out of here, Presley!” I hear some shuffling before she yells again. “Oh, my God, you idiot! You didn’t lock the door?”
“You didn’t give me much of a chance when you waltzed in here and shoved your bare ass in my face!” More moving around. “Where are you going? I wasn’t done.”
I startle when the door flies open, and Nicole storms out with a murderous glare on her face. “Fuck you, Clayton James! We’re so done! I don’t know what the hell I was thinkin’.” Her evil eyes flick to me. “I don’t want to hear a word, Presley.”
I plaster my back against the wall as she runs off, listening to the telltale sounds of my brother buckling his belt, cursing under his breath. Oh my God, why couldn’t I have just tucked my purse beneath the bar?
“Pres, it’s safe to come in now.”
I shake my head, but he probably can’t see me. “Nope. I’m good out here.” I can smell the sex wafting from the room, and I have no desire to go in there anytime soon.
Clayton curses again before the floorboards creak as he walks across the room. He leans against the doorjamb, scrubbing a hand down his face. When he looks up, at least he has the sense to look embarrassed.