“You don’t really think she’d rabbit?” Peabody asked as they went out again.

“No. If she killed him or if she didn’t, she had to know the cops would want to talk to her sooner or later.”

Eve jaywalked—it wasn’t hard if you were fast and agile enough—and stepped into the coffee shop.

It didn’t smell as bad as most—boy, had she gotten spoiled—so she grabbed a four-top that gave her a view of the art gallery.

Peabody studied the automated server. “Maybe I could get another latte. I missed cake twice today. No, tea’s probably a better bet, and they have jasmine. Jasmine tea’s nice. Want some?”

“Not in this life or the next. She’s coming out.”

Charity didn’t jaywalk, but hurried in her skinny heels to the corner, waited for the light. Eve watched her come in, cheeks pink from the cold and the hurry, spot them.

“Thank you. Really, thank you.” Her words tumbled out in a breathless rush. “I’m still trying to get my head around what happened. Edward, dead. Murdered. I... I’m going to have some tea if that’s okay. I need to settle down. I heard about an hour ago.”

“I’m going to have the jasmine,” Peabody said.

“Yes, it’s nice. I’ll have that, too.”

“Coffee,” Eve said. “You and Senator Mira were having an affair.”

“Yes. It started a couple weeks before Christmas. I know he’s married, I know it’s wrong even though he said his wife doesn’t care. Why wouldn’t she care? I don’t know.”

Charity pressed her fingers to her eyes.

“How did you meet?”

“At the gallery. I had a small show—it was exciting. He came with... it wasn’t his wife, she was too young, but I don’t know who it was. He said he liked my work. He bought a painting. I was flying. And about a week later, he contacted me—he asked me to meet him for a drink. I thought it was about the art, but...”

“He hit on you,” Peabody suggested.

“It was... classier than that, but yes. At first I was really surprised. He’s old enough to be my grandfather, but he’s interesting and persuasive. I ended up meeting him for drinks a second time, then he asked me to dinner, and I went. I knew what I was doing, and I knew it was wrong. But there I was in this fancy hotel suite with champagne and...”

She trailed off as their orders began to slide out of the automated slot.

“I knew what I was doing,” she said again. “I knew he just wanted to be with a young woman. I’m not stupid. And I also knew he could help me. He nudged his rich friends and associates to come to the gallery, and talked up my work. I sold a couple more pieces. We were using each other, that’s what it was. I let him have sex with me, and in exchange, he helped my art career.”

She lifted her tea, drank. “I’m absolutely aware of what that makes me. I’m not proud of it. And I’d do it again.”

“Any trouble in your arrangement?” Eve asked.

“No. We’d generally go to the hotel once a week. Sometimes he wanted me to stay the night, sometimes he didn’t. He ran the show, and I didn’t have any complaints.”

“Was he rough with you?”

“What? Oh, no, no.”

Composed, almost coldly so, Charity met Eve’s gaze. “Look, Lieutenant, I knew he was taking an aid to keep it all going. And for a man his age, he was in pretty good shape. But I wasn’t attracted that way. The first time, it was curiosity and the circumstances. After that, it was, just—it was what it was. I didn’t say that to him. I just pretended.”

“You don’t have a boyfriend?” Peabody asked. “Anybody?”

“No, I don’t, so I figured I wasn’t hurting anyone. It was really clear he did this a lot, so I could justify it as far as his wife went. I don’t know her, so I could pretend that didn’t matter, either. I don’t want anyone at work to know, that’s all. I don’t want the gossip, or the looks. I don’t care if I deserve them, I don’t want it.”

“You seem a lot more concerned about gossip than murder. The man’s dead.”

Defiant, Downing jutted out her chin. “And I’m sorry. I’m really sorry. I’m just scared. I’m scared I’ll lose my job. I’m scared somebody knew what I was doing—what we were doing, and killed him.”

“Did you feel threatened? Did you feel watched?”