Page 132 of Brotherhood in Death


“I’m not going back downtown,” Eve told Reo.

“Just take me as far as you’re going, and I’ll get a cab.” Reo made quick notes as they sped away from the bank. “Forty-nine, Dallas. Do they all have souvenirs?”

“Can’t say. Not yet.”

“I need to see what’s on that old disc.”

“When I get it transferred, I’ll send it to you. Reo, I’m taking it home, the money, too. I’ll count it on record, seal and log. But I’m not getting it into Evidence until tomorrow. Most likely tomorrow morning.”

After finishing her notes, Reo tucked her PPC away. “Dallas, not only am I not worried about you preserving the chain of evidence, that fortress you live in is at least as secure as Central.”

“Great, but I’m going to ask you to get the hair to the lab. To Harvo. That can’t wait. We need to start IDing these women.”

“I can do that. I’ll take care of that. Are you okay?”

“Forty-nine. You always think you just can’t be surprised anymore by what people do to each other. Then you are.”

“If they started that long ago, the first victim is in her sixties, most likely her late sixties. Nearly fifty years. The statute of limitations... She’s put it behind her. Or I hope she has.”

She’d have put it behind her, Eve thought, but it was always behind you. In a corner, in the dark. Squatting there behind you and chuckling in its throat.

“I’m trying Easterday first. With what we found, I might shake more out of him.” Eve set her teeth. “I’ll use his wife if I have to. Then I need to speak to Mr. Mira before I go home and work on this.”

“I can catch a cab from there. Do you want me to go in with you, press some prosecutor buttons before I drop the samples with Harvo?”

Eve considered. “Yeah, why not?”

She double-parked again, just didn’t give a shit, and went straight to the door.

The same woman opened it. “It’s Lieutenant... Dallas, correct?”

“That’s right, and APA Reo. We need to speak with Mr. Easterday.”

“Please come in. Let me get Mrs. Easterday. She’s just in the sitting room. Mr. Easterday’s resting upstairs. Can I offer you coffee or tea?” she asked as she led them into the front parlor.

“No, thanks.”

“Beautiful home,” Reo said when the woman left them. “Cheerful elegance, I guess. The fire’s nice on a day like this. So...” Reo pulled off her gloves. “Do you want grim or consolatory?”

“Grim works. It’s all fucking grim.”

She turned as Petra Easterday came in. “Lieutenant, do you have news? Have you found the person who killed Edward and Jonas?”

“We’re pursuing new leads. This is APA Reo.”

“Of course, please sit. How can I help?”

“We need to talk to your husband.”

“I know it’s important. He’s just so upset, as you can imagine.”

Oh yeah, Eve thought. She could imagine.

“I put my foot down about him going over to help Mandy with the arrangements for Edward, and he’s unhappy with me. But I took your warning to heart.”

“He should thank you for that. But we need to speak to him. Now.”