“I don’t feel uncomfortable.” Okay, maybe I do. Because somehow, the memories of high school Blake and what he meant still have the power to sear me when I really let myself sink into those feelings—which is almost never. But also… “I just don’t want him to disappear and disappoint you again.”
“You know I forgave him a long time ago.”
Yeah, I know. That’s the thing about my best friend. She’s forgiving—a little too forgiving, if you ask me. It means people often walk all over her. Case in point: her terrible ex. And also, her brother, who put his own needs over hers.
But maybe I should be happy he’s here, for her sake. I just need to let go of my protective instincts and allow her to enjoy her brother’s visit without worrying about how I’m going to react.
I squeeze her hand again. “Forget I said anything, okay? I’m sure you guys will have a great time hanging out.”
“You can hang with us too. Like old times.”
Ha. No thanks. “Unfortunately, I’ve got a ton of work to do this weekend. I’ll probably be working super late while he’s here.”
Her gaze meets mine, and her eyes squint. Uh oh. I know that look—the one where she doesn’t want to tell me something that I’m not going to like.
“It’s just that…he’s not leaving after the weekend.”
Seriously? Well, it’s not like he can afford too much time away from his fancy restaurant job that Marilee’s told me he has. Maybe a week, tops? I can handle that. I paste on a bright smile. “That’s okay. Have I mentioned my workload is suuuuuper heavy lately? I can use a few extra hours of work time every day. When’s he leaving?”
“Not soon.”
“Define not soon.”
The bell jangles again behind me.
“Maybe he should be the one to tell you. And he’s not just here to visit. He’s here…well, maybe he should tell you that too.”
Ugh, seriously? “Mare?—”
“Lucy! There you are.”
I turn to find Tiny strong arming his way past the line of tourists waiting to be served. When did it get so crowded in here? The man finally reaches us, and he’s huffing and puffing.
“Tiny, what’s wrong?” I ask.
Hands on his knees, he sucks in air, holding up a finger. Finally, he straightens. “You’ve gotta come quick. I’ve tried calling you. Tried The White Mocha, then figured you might be here.”
“Back it up. Where do I have to come, and why do I need to come quick?” I glance over at Marilee, who shrugs and looks just as confused as I feel.
“Because.” He tosses a glare at Marilee. What the what? Then he points a meaty finger her way. “Her brother is moving in right next door.”
“Right next door to what?”
“The Robin.”
That doesn’t make any sense. The Green Robin sits between Rainbow Ice and Just Peachy Boutique—both of which were in operation the last time I checked. “I don’t understand.”
“His food truck. He’s parking it just behind the sidewalk between us and the ice cream parlor. It’s next to the walkway that leads straight to our front door.”
Sweet macaroni. That little…
I swing my gaze back to Marilee. “Did you know about this?” I’m trying to keep my tone even, but in this situation, I feel the frustration edging my voice is a little bit warranted.
She holds her hands up. “He told me this morning that he was going to open his food truck for a little while this summer, but none of the details.”
“Okay.” I breathe in through my nose, out through my mouth. At least my best friend isn’t turning against me. “I’ve gotta go.”