She claps twice and turns around. “All right, friends, it’s about time to start the meeting. Please find your seats with your fellow committee members, and we’ll begin shortly.”

Then she faces us again and holds out her hand to Blake. “Chloe Huntington. You’re Marilee’s brother, yes? It’s wonderful to meet you.”

Blake, to his credit, doesn’t seem to be affected by Chloe’s royal blood. He merely shakes her hand and says, “Nice to meet you too.”

“Brilliant. I’m guessing Thomas informed you already, but since you’re one of our fellow foodies, I’d appreciate your help on the picnic committee.”

“Yeah, of course.” He glances at me briefly, then looks away. “Wherever I’m needed.”

“Great,” I say with extremely false enthusiasm.

Thomas leads Blake away, toward our table by the railing, and Chloe turns an eye to me. “Well, that was some of the hottest chemistry I’ve ever seen.”

My nose scrunches. “What are you talking about?”

“The two of you. I was about to spontaneously combust watching you from over there. I can’t imagine how you feel.” She touches my arm then pulls back. “Ooo, yes, you’re warm. Very warm.” Then she laughs.

“All right, you’ve had your fun.” I push her just a tad.

From out of nowhere, her bodyguard Tia appears at my elbow.

Chloe rolls her eyes. “Seriously, Tia, we’ve talked about this. She’s my mate. Americans shove each other in love all the time. It’s just the way they show affection.”

“It’s a blasted stupid way if you ask me,” the woman mumbles. But she moves back against the railing nonetheless.

Frederick takes the opportunity to swoop in. “Princess, love.” He places his hand on the small of her back, smiling, and whispers something in her ear.

She giggles and gives him a kiss on the cheek. “Later, yeah?”

“If you insist.” With a wink, he turns to me. “Lucy.”

“Freddy.” I can’t help but smile. The two of them are couple goals all the way.

If I had couple goals, anyway.

A love like they share is wonderful, I’m sure. But as I saw when my dad died, it can also break a person open when the one you love the most in the world leaves—willingly or not.

Frederick gives me a nod, squeezes Chloe’s waist again, and heads back to the crowd, helping people find their seats and get situated. The way he supports his girlfriend is just the sweetest.

“I’m so happy for you, you know.” And I really am. I may not have been there at the very beginning of their love story—which started when they were much younger—but I got a sideline view of them admitting their feelings for each other. It was, and continues to be, a beautiful thing. A scary thing. But a beautiful one to be sure.

“Thank you.” Chloe spontaneously gives me a hug. How have we only known each other a few months? I seriously feel like she’s a sister to me. One with way more fashion sense and poise than I’ll ever have. But a sister all the same. “I want you to be just as happy as me.” A pause. “You sure there’s nothing between you and Mare’s brother?”

Somehow, my eyes find Blake with ease.

I startle to see him looking back at me.

We stare at each other for a good few seconds before I pull my gaze back to Chloe. Clear my throat. “Nothing but supreme dislike.” That, and a lot of baggage.

And words that can never be unsaid.

“And you’re sure that dislike can never become…like?”

I press my fingernails into the palms of my hands. “I’m sure.”

Because if I ever did let down my guard—if I ever did let Blake back in—I’m not sure the walls I’ve erected could hold back the tidal wave of emotions I’ve managed to keep at bay until now.

And the flood that ensued would be sure to decimate anything good I’ve managed to build in the wake of his leaving.