Abandon? What does he know about abandoning someone? I have had it with this guy. What is his problem? He needs to mind his own business.

“I did not abandon my child. I would never abandon her. I left her with Indigo who is my friend. She’s not a stranger. Guess what else it is?” I pause but he doesn’t fill in the blanks. “It’s none of your business.” I make a shooing motion. “Now go away and join your friends or, I don’t know, jump off the cliffs at Winter Falls. I don’t care as long as you leave.”

His nostrils flare and his mouth opens. I wait for whatever garbage he’s going to spew next. But he doesn’t speak. He huffs before turning on his heel and stomping away. Good. Let him go have his man temper tantrum elsewhere. I’m busy here.

Isla yanks on my hand. “Mom. I’m next. Watch me.”

“You got this, baby girl.”

She sprints toward the hay and I clap to encourage her. What I don’t do is scan the area for Fender. Nope. I’m pushing the man and his obnoxiously strong body out of my mind.

I don’t need a man. I don’t want a man. I am not risking history repeating itself.

Chapter 4

Play – something children do but it’s even better when you’re an adult


“Why don’t you go over there already?”

At Gibson’s question, I drag my gaze away from Leia’s house. I could lie to myself and say I didn’t realize I was staring at her house but I prefer not to lie.

The little firecracker fascinates me. I wonder if her blonde hair would feel like silk in my hands. Is her skin soft to the touch? Do those mischievous blue eyes sparkle when she’s turned on?

Too bad she has relationship written all over her. And there’s also the small matter of the two of us fighting whenever we’re in the same room.

“Or are you chicken?” Jett asks before he begins bwaking. “Bwak. Bwak.”

“Maybe he just needs some tips on how to seduce a lady.” Gibson rubs his hands together. “I am happy to assist you with this endeavor.”

I glare at him.

“Glare at me all you want, grumpapottamus. I know you’re a big softie inside.”

I give him the finger.

“If you don’t want Gibson’s help, I’m available. My schedule’s wide open.”

I frown. Jett and boredom is not a good combination. The adrenaline junkie will need another hit soon and I’m afraid of what the people of Winter Falls will do when he marches down Main Street in his birthday suit while playing Smells Like Teen Spirit on his marching snare drum.

“I don’t need any help.” I head toward the stairs but a knock on the back door has me veering in the opposite direction.

“Hi!” Isla greets when I open the door. “Do you want to come outside and play with me?”

I frown. “Does your mom know where you are?”

She huffs. “I’m eleven and a half.”

“You didn’t answer my question, kid.”

She scrunches up her eyes and scowls at me. It’s freaking adorable.

“I’m not a kid.” She stomps her foot.

“I can’t play with you if you don’t have permission from your mom.”

“I’ll be back.” She hurries away. I contemplate shutting the door but I want to be certain she asks Leia for permission instead of pretending.