I get on my knees and crawl inside. There are pillows and blankets spread out on the floor. Isla’s already lying under a blanket.

“Isn’t this the best?”

“You like it?” Jett asks as he lays down beside Isla.

Gibson rolls his eyes. “Of course, she likes it. It’s awesome.”

Isla giggles at Gibson.

“She laughed. She likes it.”

Fender sticks his head in the tent. “Gibson and Jett are going to keep an eye on Isla while we go on our date. Assuming you’re okay with it.”

“Why wouldn’t she be okay with it?” Gibson asks. “We’re awesome.”

“And we have the best treats.”

“Maybe too much food.” I motion to the pizza, chicken wings, brownies, and gummy bears stacked on trays in front of the tent.

Gibson smacks Jett. “Told you it was too much.”

Jett ducks his head but not before I notice the blush on his cheeks. “I wanted her to have her favorites but Fender said we couldn’t ask her any questions.”

I squeeze his shoulder. “It’s okay. This is a special occasion. But don’t let her eat too much. She’ll get sick.”

“Got it.”

Fender offers me his hand. “Ready?”

I glare at Jett and Gibson one last time. “If anything happens to Isla in your care, I will post about your competition to sleep with the most fans on social media.”

“Okay,” Jett immediately agrees while Gibson gapes at me.

Good enough. I clasp Fender’s hand and he helps me to stand.

He draws me into his arms. “You’re certain you’re okay with this arrangement?”

“I couldn’t drag Isla away now if I wanted to.”

He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. “Then, it’s time for our date. You ready?”

I gulp. “Yep.”

I say my good-byes to my daughter and Fender’s bandmates before he leads me outside. I gasp when I notice the vehicle waiting for us at the curb.

“Holy cow, Fender.”

He shrugs. “I’m a big guy. I need a big car.”

“But a Hummer? Is this thing even allowed in Winter Falls?”

“It’s electric,” he says as he opens the door for me.

I stare at the seat. It’s nearly as high as my chest. Am I supposed to climb into this? Fender solves the problem when he lifts me up and places me on the seat.

“You didn’t have to lift me.” I would have figured out how to climb in. Eventually.

He leans over me to click on my seatbelt. “I enjoy carrying you, firecracker.”