She gasps. “My cat hates dogs.”

“Start talking or I’m getting Cash the biggest dog I can find. What kind of dog is bigger than a Great Dane?”

“The press found out about you.”

“About me? Why would the press care about me?”

“Because you’re dating Fender who’s a member of one of the most popular bands in the world.”

My nose wrinkles. “Are the fans going to send me hate mail? I can close my social media accounts. Social media sucks anyway. In fact, this might be a good lesson for Isla about social media.”

“Will you stop dissing social media and listen to me?”

I motion for her to proceed.

“The press know you live in Winter Falls.”

“They know where I live?”

“Not exactly where you live but they know you’re in Winter Falls.”

I jump to my feet and rush to the door. “We need to get to Isla.”

“She’s safe at the community center. Cedar won’t let them inside.”

I glare at her. “Would you entrust the safety of your child to anyone else?”

Her eyes light with understanding. “Let’s go.”

I sprint to the community center with Indigo on my heels. I burst through the doors and rush inside.


She peeks out of a room. “Geez, Mom. Why don’t you yell my name louder? I don’t think they heard you in Japan.”


She opens her mouth – probably to whine some more – when she catches the look on my face. “What is it? What happened? Is Fender okay?”

“Fender’s fine, but I need you to come with me.” I hold out my hand.

“Is it Grandma and Grandpa?”

I frown. I have no idea if anyone would even notify me if my parents were injured or dead. They cut me out of their lives completely. I doubt I’m mentioned in their will. I don’t want any money from them anyway.

“Listen.” I kneel in front of Isla while Indigo stands next to us gasping for breath.

“Sorry.” She bends over and clutches her stomach. “Not a runner.”

“You know how Fender’s famous?” I begin.

“Duh. He’s in a band.”

“Sometimes famous people have trouble with the press.”

“Press?” Indigo snorts, and I glare at her. “Sorry. I’ll be quiet now.”

“What kind of trouble?” Isla asks.