“I can be reasonable.”

“You can be a pain in my ass is what you can be.”

“You remind me of Soleil.”

“Thank you,” I say since he loves Soleil to the moon and back.

He sighs. “It’s come to my attention that you work way more than forty hours a week for me.”

“What? Did you suddenly learn how to count?” I tease. Brody Bragg is a certified genius. He knows how to count.

“Maybe someone made me aware of how demanding I am.”

“Soleil strikes again.” I write myself a note to send her a gift basket.

“Not Soleil.”

If not the mother of his child, then who could possibly… Damn it! There’s only one person who would have talked to Brody about how much I work.

“I’m going to kill Fender when he returns.”

“I find pranking is more effective. Do you need some tips? I have a rolodex of ideas.”

“I prefer the direct route.” I don’t play games. If someone pisses me off, I tell them. We discuss and then we move on. Unless I kill the person, then I bury him before I move on.

Brody barks out a laugh. “I’m glad you’re on my side.”

“Who said I’m on your side?”

“Your paycheck,” he says and hangs up.

I’ve barely set my phone on my desk when it rings again. I groan. More work I don’t have time for. But when I pick up my phone to answer, it isn’t work. It’s Fender.

I hit deny. Let him stew for a while. He deserves it. How dare he talk to my employer about my workload? Who does he think he is? He’s my boyfriend, not my keeper. Leia Wilson can take care of herself.

I get back to work and my spreadsheets. I don’t know how much time has passed when someone knocks on the door.

I sigh before standing and stretching my back. I’m entering the living room when the door bursts open and Indigo rushes inside.

“Whoa. What’s the rush? Is Isla okay?” Shit. I’ve been ignoring my phone. I’m a crap mom.

Indigo stops me before I can run out the door. “Isla’s fine.”

My brow wrinkles. “Why did you burst in here if my daughter’s fine?”

“Something’s happened.”

My heart jumps in my chest. “Is Fender okay? Is the band okay?”

Shit. I collapse on the sofa. I’ve been ignoring his calls because I’m pissed with him. What if those calls were my last chance to speak to him? I bury my face in my hands. I’m a horrible, spiteful person.

Indigo wraps an arm around my shoulders. “Fender’s fine. Everyone in the band is fine. They’re on their way home now.”

“On their way home? They aren’t supposed to get back until tomorrow night.”

“They’re coming home early because of what happened.”

“I swear to all things holy if you don’t stop being mysterious, I’m going to give Cash a dog to terrify Katy Purry.”