“Go!” I urge the driver.

The security team forces the waiting paps out of the way and the vehicle begins to move.

“The jet is fueled and ready to go,” Cash says.

“I warned Virginia to stay inside,” Dylan adds.

Crap. In my rush to get to Leia, I forgot all about warning her. I dig my phone out and dial her number.

“Fuck,” I growl when I get a busy tone. “I can’t get hold of Leia.”

“I’ll ask Indy to go check on her. Let her know what’s happening,” Cash offers.


He scowls. “You don’t need to thank me.” He picks up his phone and turns away to make the call.

“If they put one hand on Isla, I’m going to kill them all,” Jett mutters.

“You won’t get the chance,” I grumble. I will kill anyone who dares to harm either one of my girls.

I just hope we make it back to Winter Falls in time. We have to.

Damnit. I only realized how much I love Leia this morning. I can’t lose her already. I won’t lose her.

Chapter 28

Shovel – Not to be confused with a baseball bat


“Brody,” I warn.

He keeps on going as if I hadn’t spoken. “And if you could have those spreadsheets done for me by tonight.”


I grip the phone so hard, my hand begins to hurt. I said no to my boss. What am I doing? If he fires me, I’ll be out of a job. And a house. I’ll have to leave Winter Falls since there aren’t many job opportunities in this small town.


I open my mouth to backpedal. To tell him I’ll work all night if he wants me to. It doesn’t matter how I promised Isla we’d watch a movie together since she’s been moping around all week with Fender gone. I’ll figure something out. I don’t need to sleep. I’m a single mom.

“When do you think you can have the work finished?”

I’m quick to answer before he can change his mind. “Tomorrow.”

“Let’s say the day after tomorrow.”

I lift the phone away from my ear and check I’m still connected with Brody. My boss isn’t reasonable. He doesn’t understand the word exists.

“Are you feeling okay?” I ask. “Do you have a fever? Should I send the doctor over to your house?”

He chuckles and I stop scrolling through my phone for the doctor’s number.

“I’m fine.”

“But you’re being reasonable. Brody Bragg isn’t reasonable.”