“Are you single?”


The noise in the room rises as the reporters pelt me with questions.

“Who’s the lucky woman?”

“Or man.”

“How long have you been together?”

“Is she famous?”

“How serious is the relationship?”

“Are there wedding bells in your future?”

“Ladies! Gentlemen!” Mike taps the microphone to get their attention. “One question at a time please.” He signals to a reporter waving her hand in the air and she jumps to her feet.

“Fender, can you tell us more?”

“About what?” I ask.

“Who is your partner? How serious is it? Do we hear wedding bells?”

I scowl. I’m not telling the press about Leia and Isla. I don’t want them assaulted by the paps. Virginia was cornered by them and it nearly ruined her relationship with Dylan.

I can’t chance it. Leia was leery enough about dating me and she hasn’t yet experienced the bullshit being a partner of a famous person brings with it. I need to make sure she’s tethered to me tight before I introduce her into the world of being famous.

“No comment.”

“Come on, Fender. Give us something. Her name. Her occupation. Anything!”

“No comment.”

“Does she live in Winter Falls?”

My heart skips a beat. Do they know where I’m living? Damnit.

“What? Where’s Winter Falls?”

“You recorded your new release there.”

“I’m done.”

I stand and walk out of the room. The rest of the band is right behind me.

“Don’t worry, Fender,” Cash says as he types on his phone. “We’ll get back to town before they find her.”

Aurora bursts through the door. “I spoke to the pilot. He’s getting the jet ready now. And the car is waiting for you out the kitchen entrance.”

“Thanks,” I grumble.

She squeezes my wrist. “Don’t worry. I have everything under control.”

She snaps her fingers and our security forms a circle around us. They hurry us through the hallway to the employee entrance of the kitchen.

I don’t wait for them to open the backdoor and secure the area. I rush through the door and sprint to the waiting vehicle. The rest of the band hurries after me.