She appears relieved and I don’t push her despite knowing I want a future with her. I can give her time to adjust to our new status.

“Mom!” Isla yells, and Leia runs to her without a backward glance. It’s cute how she thinks she can run away from me.

“The puppy had an accident,” Isla announces when we arrive in the living room.

Leia glares at me. I hold up my hands. “I’ll get the cleaning supplies.”

I quickly gather what I need and clean up the mess.

“Shall we take her for a walk?” I ask once I finish. “She might need to go out.”

“Do you have a leash for her? Poop bags? A bed?” Leia throws questions at me. Judging by the twinkle in her eye, she thinks she’s caught me. Wrong, my little firecracker.

“I bought all the supplies.” Somone at the pet store in White Bridge made a very nice commission today. “There’s a box on your porch with everything in it. I’ll get it.”

I set the box of supplies in the hallway and dig out the leash.

Leia giggles when she sees it. “You bought a pink, sparkly leash?”

I shrug. “I thought Isla would like it.”

Isla screeches as she snatches the leash from me. “I love it!”

I show her how to attach the leash to the harness before we go outside for our first walk with the puppy.

“Come on, puppy. Come on,” Isla urges the dog forward.

“You need to name her,” I say.

Isla’s eyes widen. “I get to name her?”

“She’s your dog.”

“Can I name her Princess?”

“You can name her anything you want.”

“I think she’s a princess.”

“Then, her name’s Princess.”

“Come on, Princess.” The puppy perks up at the name as if she recognizes it.

“What kind of dog is she?” Isla asks as we begin down the sidewalk.

“She’s a rescue. As near as the shelter could tell she’s a cross between a chihuahua and a dachshund.”

Her nose wrinkles. “What’s a dachshund?”

“I’ll show you a picture on my phone when we’re back home.”

Home. For the first time in my life, the word means something more than a place to sleep. It’s where my heart is. Home is where these two are. I can’t imagine my life without them.

I love Isla and I’m falling for her mom. I wrap an arm around Leia’s shoulders and draw her near while Isla runs in front of us giggling with her puppy.

This is it. This is what I’ve been looking for. I messed up today, but I won’t mess up again. I’m not letting these two go.

Sage waves from her front porch. “Aren’t you a lovely family?”