“Where are you?” So much for her not searching for me.

“I’ll be out in a minute.”

My bedroom door squeaks open and I throw the blankets over Fender. I feel his body tremble with his laughter and I kick him for good measure.

“There you are!” Isla bounces into the room. “Why are you still in bed?”

“Just being lazy.”

“Oh, can I be lazy, too?” She starts to jump on the bed.

“No!” She jerks and her eyes widen at me. I clear my throat. “I mean I should be getting up.”

She frowns. “Okay. Can I have pancakes for breakfast?”

I normally don’t allow pancakes for breakfast except on special occasions, but I’m desperate for her to leave before she realizes what I’m hiding under the covers. “Yep. I’ll be out in a minute.”

She skips toward the hallway. “Shut the door on your way out.”

“You’re being weird today,” she says as she shuts the door.

Once the door is closed, I whip the covers off Fender who bursts into laughter. I slam a hand over his mouth.

“Shush. She’ll hear you.”

He shrugs. “She’ll figure out I’m here when I walk out of the room anyway.”

“You’re cute. You think you’re walking out the door.” I point to the window.

“I’ll crawl out the window but I am having pancakes for breakfast.”

“Deal.” I push him out of the bed. “Now get moving.”

“Can I get dressed first?”

I pick his clothes off of the floor and throw them at him. “Stop stalling, grumpapottamus.”

“I prefer King of the Grumps.”

I roll my eyes. “Of course, you do.”

He dresses and I sigh as he hides all those delicious muscles. Those delicious tattoos I’m slowly becoming obsessed with.

He palms my neck and kisses my forehead. “Stop staring at me like you want to eat me or I’ll never be able to zip my jeans.”

I glance down and notice he’s hard.

“I really hate having a child right now.”

He squeezes my neck. “No, you don’t.”

It’s true. I don’t. But I do wish her sleepover had lasted longer.

I push up on my tiptoes and kiss him briefly before pulling away to steer him toward the window. He grunts as I open it. He probably thinks I’m crazy but I’m not ready for my kid to know I had sex.

Once Fender’s gone, I rush through my morning ritual knowing he won’t wait long before barging into the house.

“Who wants pancakes?” I ask Isla when I enter the kitchen.