
She waves a hand down her front. “It’s light out.”

“Is this code? I don’t get it.”

“Ugh!” She covers her face with her hands. “It’s light out. You can see everything.”

“That’s the idea, firecracker. I want to see every single inch of your skin. Taste every single inch. Touch every single inch.”

Her hands drop from her face. “You do?”

“Every. Single. Inch.” I draw my palm up her t-shirt to the underside of her breast.

“What if you don’t like what you see?”

My brow furrows. Is she kidding? I’m going to fucking love what I see. I study her face and realize she’s serious. This isn’t some play to get me to compliment her. She’s genuinely nervous.

I lay down next to her on the bed and grasp her hand. “What’s wrong?”

“I haven’t …erm…you know in a long time.”

“Define a long time.”

Her hand spasms in mine. “Nine years.”

“It’s been five years for me.”

“What? No way. You’re a freaking rockstar. Women throw themselves at you.”

“But I don’t catch them.”

“Are you serious? How is this possible?”

“Easy.” I shrug. “I grunt at women when they get too close.”

“Grunting didn’t keep me away.”

“I didn’t grunt at you.”

“Yes, you did, Grumpy Pants MacGrumpy.”

I chuckle. “MacGrumpy? Am I Irish now?”

“Nope. Scottish. Highlanders are sexy.”

I smile. Leia’s crazy. The good kind. The fun kind. The sexy kind. I’ve never smiled in bed with a woman before. I like it. I like her.

“Do you want to watch a movie?”

“A movie?”

“Yeah, it’s a type of entertainment available on your television.”

“Grumpy smartass,” she grumbles. “Why would I want to watch television when I have you in my bed?”

“If you’re not comfortable taking things to the next level, I can wait.”

She climbs on top of me and cradles my face in her hands. “You can wait?”