“They didn’t leave you.”

“Everyone else did,” I mutter.

“Remember how I said all women betray you. And you pointed out I couldn’t say all women betray you when I really meant Vicki.”

I narrow my eyes on him. “Yes.”

“If I can’t use Vicki’s behavior as an excuse to not connect with people, you’re not allowed to use your parents and Charles the fuckhead as an excuse.”

I throw daggers out of my eyes at him. “I hate it when you use logic.”

“Get used to it, firecracker. I’m not going anywhere.”

Really? He’s not going anywhere? He’s staying in Winter Falls? Dare I hope? Nope. I refuse to hope. I snort instead.

“You – a rockstar – are going to stay in Winter Falls forever?”

“Cash and Dylan aren’t going anywhere. I’m afraid Jett and Gibson will never leave either.” He feigns a shiver. “I’m stuck with Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum forever.”

He’s staying? Hope – an emotion I refuse to allow myself to feel – pushes at my skin as I study his face. Is he being truthful? I’m not the best judge of character. I fell for Charles’ bullshit after all. But I was a kid then. Barely old enough to drive. Maybe I should give myself a break. Maybe I should take a chance on another man.

This particular grumpy man to be precise. He was with me one-hundred percent when I thought Isla was sick. He also arranged a babysitter for our first date. And he refused to push it beyond a kiss at the end of the night.

Is Fender Hays the man I’ve been searching for when I didn’t even realize I was searching?

I steel my spine and take a chance. “Do you want to come inside?”

Chapter 20

Come inside – Fender’s new favorite two words


Do I want to come inside? Hell, yeah, I do.

My cock twitches in response. Leia didn’t say come inside her body, I remind it.

I cradle her face with my hands. “Are you sure?”

She laughs. “No.”

“Then, no, I don’t want to come inside.”

Her eyes widen and she slaps my hands away from her face. “What the hell, grumpy man? I invite you inside and you say no!”

She’s spitting mad. Daggers shoot from her eyes at me. And her nostrils flare. It’s cute. My little firecracker is adorable when she’s angry.

I pinch her chin and she snaps her teeth at me. “I’m not coming inside with you until you’re sure you want me there. I don’t want you to regret anything we do together.”

I want her one hundred percent on board with whatever we do.

The anger leaks from her eyes. “I promise I won’t regret it.”

I pause to study her face. Is she being honest with herself?

“What do you want me to do? Beg?”

I smirk. “Oh, you’ll beg, firecracker. And you’ll love it, too.”