He chuckles. “Sorry. Sometimes I forget how unimpressed you are with my status.”

“Anyway, you were raised by a single mom?”

“It’s a story for another day.”

I open my mouth to berate him but stop when I remember pushing someone to tell their secrets never works. I was a stubborn teenager once too.

“You want to pamper me?”

“You deserve it. You work hard, you’re raising Isla on your own and doing a damn good job, too.”

Oh, how he’s changed his tune since we met. “How are you planning to pamper me?”

“Well.” He clears his throat. “I thought about sending you for a day at a spa, but I wanted to do something together.”


“We’re doing a couples massage.”

“A couples massage?”

“If you don’t want to do it, we don’t have to. We can skip it and go straight to dinner. I’ll cancel the appointment.”

He digs in his pocket for his phone but I shackle his wrist.

“You are not denying me my first professional massage.”

“You like the idea?”

“I love the idea.” I reach for the door handle. “Let’s go.”

“Wait for me to open your door.”

“What? You don’t think I can jump down?”

“I know you can, but I don’t want you to have to.”

Holy cow. Have sexier words ever been uttered? He knows I’m a strong woman but he wants to help me anyway.

Oh boy. I better secure the cage around my heart because I could fall in love with this man. Which would be a stupid thing to do. Because no matter how much I try to ignore it, he’s still a rockstar and I’m still a single mom. These two things do not go together.

Chapter 19

Take a chance – do something super scary even when your heart is yelling RUN


I hope you slept well.

Have a good day.

Happiness spreads through me as I read the messages from Fender. Ever since our first date, he sends me these messages in the morning. And every night he messages me to ask me how my day was.

These simple messages are breaking down my resistance to the man.

Why are you still resisting him?

Gah. Sometimes I hate my inner voice. How dare she make me question myself and my decisions? Doesn’t she remember what happened the last time I was in a relationship? With Isla’s dad?