
He grins and one of his dimples pops out. It’s amazing really. One dimple and his face goes from grumpy to sexy. Although, his grumpy face is pretty sexy, too.

“Are you going to deny you’re a firecracker?”

He has a point. “Nope.”

Once we’re on the road out of Winter Falls, I ask, “Where are we going?”

“It’s a surprise.”

I hate surprises. I prefer to be prepared for every possible contingency. How can I be prepared if I don’t know what’s going to happen?

Fender reaches across the center console and squeezes my thigh. “Don’t worry. You’ll enjoy it.”

I open my mouth to ask him how he knows when he continues, “I hope.”

The uncertainty in his voice has me shutting my mouth. He’s nervous. It’s endearing. And annoying since I can no longer bug him to tell me what the surprise is.

“How was your day?” he asks.

“How was my day?” I repeat.

“Yeah. How was your day? Did your boss drive you batty? Did you finish all your work before I picked you up?”

No one’s ever asked me how my day was before. I’ve been on my own since my grandparents died when Isla was three. There’s never been anyone waiting for me when I came home from work – except Isla.

I would do anything for my daughter, but I have missed adult conversation at home. Being able to bitch about my boss without worrying the language I’m using will scare my daughter for life would be nice.

“Work was okay today,” I finally manage to say. “Brody actually said thank you.”

Fender scowls. “Does he not thank you for the work you do more often?”

“Ha! Let me tell you about the time I refused to talk to him for a week because he didn’t say thank you. He had no clue what was happening.”

By the time I finish my story, Fender is pulling into a parking lot.

“Where are we?” I ask as I gaze around. The building in front of us reminds me of a castle from a Disney movie. The ‘castle’ is surrounded by nature, and the parking lot is full of fancy cars. Wherever we are, I don’t think I belong here.


Fender’s cheeks heat as he stumbles over his words.

“You said something about deserving time to pamper yourself the other day so I asked Virginia how I could pamper you.”


“Indigo’s a blabber mouth. She would have told everyone in Winter Falls what we’re doing.”

“Pamper me?”

“I know being a single mom isn’t easy. I was raised by one.”

“Hold on. You were? Why didn’t you say anything?”

He shrugs. “I assumed you knew.”

“Because you’re a famous rockstar and I should follow your every move in the tabloids and on social media?” I roll my eyes. Who has the time?