“Enough!” Cash growls. “I told you the studio asked us to record two more songs for a special edition album.”

“If everyone would behave, we’d have these songs done in no time,” Dylan adds.

Gibson peeks his head out from behind Dylan’s back. “It’s not my fault Fender can’t take a joke.”

Dylan cocks an eyebrow. “And at no time did you think ‘Hey, Fender, is extra grumpy today? Maybe I shouldn’t call him a ridiculous name?’”

“He is extra grumpy today,” Jett says as he taps out a beat on his drums. “Extra grumpy, extra grumpy. Is grumpapottamus feeling extra horny today?”

“Leia turned you down, did she?” Gibson asks.

I cross my arms over my chest and growl at him. He squeaks before hiding behind Dylan’s back again.

The door to the studio slams open and our producer charges inside. “Are we doing a fucking therapy session or are we recording music?”

Cash blocks him. “No. This is band business. Out.”

“I can hear everything you say from in there anyway.” Stan waves toward the control room.

Cash nods to Rob, our studio engineer, and he cuts the sound between the two rooms. “I told you when you demanded we record two more songs there would be issues.”

“This isn’t about the music.”

“I never said the issues would be about the music.”

“Fucking musicians,” Stan mutters before stomping out of the studio.

“Now,” Cash begins. “Is everyone going to behave so we can finish recording this song sometime this century?”

“I always behave,” Jett claims.

“When? When do you behave?” Cash asks.

Jett shrugs. “I always follow the instructions for hooking up my parachute.”

“Can we finish this recording and get out of here?” I growl.

“Uh-oh. Big guy’s getting impatient. Better get back to it before his grumpiness explodes,” Gibson says.

My nostrils flare as I stare at him while debating whether I should pick him up and throw him against the wall or get this recording over so I can go to Leia’s house and figure out where her head’s at.

Leia wins. She’ll always win with me. I grab my bass.

Cash rubs his hands together. “Let’s do this!”

Easy for him to be enthusiastic. He’s going home to the woman he loves. I want what he has. Maybe someday – with Leia – I will.

But I screwed up by leaving yesterday. Is she pissed at me? I need to get to her. My body vibrates with the desire to go to her but I lock it down to finish the recording.

“It’s a wrap.” The words are barely out of the studio engineer’s mouth before I’m moving.

“Where are we going?” Gibson asks as he and Jett follow me.

I increase my pace until they have to run to keep up or fall behind. Naturally, they don’t fall behind. I should be so lucky. They jog next to me while throwing questions at me.

“Do you need tips on how to seduce Leia?”

“Or tips for when you’re in the bedroom?”