“Alrighty then, Superman. Are you also wearing tight leggings under your jeans?”

“I’m not Superman, but I am pretty strong.”

Her gaze dips to my chest and her eyes heat.

“Will you go out on a date with me?”

“What?” I must be hearing things. The last I remember Leia didn’t want to date me, but now she’s asking me out. When did things change?

“Do I have to spell things out for you? Will you?” She pokes me in the chest. “Go out with me?”

I growl. “I understood.”

“Good. Now answer the question.”


She rears back. “No? What the hell? You literally asked me out two days ago and now you don’t want to date me? What’s wrong with you? Did you meet some other woman in the meantime? Don’t want to lower yourself to a single mom? Or is it—"

I do the one thing guaranteed to shut her up. I palm her neck and draw her near before slamming my lips on hers. She gasps and I take advantage by shoving my tongue into her mouth. The second her tart lemon taste hits me, I’m lost.

I want to taste every inch of her mouth before moving on to other parts of her body. I thread my hands through her hair to bring her closer. Until her chest touches mine and I can feel her gasping for air.

Her hands lift to grasp my shoulders. Her nails dig into my skin through my t-shirt as her tongue duels with mine.

I groan and use my hold on her to tilt her head so I can dive in deeper. I press my hard cock against her belly and her fingers tighten on my shoulders. I can’t wait to get her in bed. Get her naked and experience how every inch of her tastes.

Her phone rings and she wrenches her lips from mine. Her mouth is swollen from my kisses, her hair is a mess from my hands, and her eyes are dark with passion. She couldn’t be sexier if she tried.

“I need to…” She doesn’t finish the sentence before hurrying away.

I let her go. For now. She’ll be mine soon enough.

I adjust my cock in my pants before leaving out the back door.

I’ll be back, Leia. I hope she’s ready for all I plan to give her.

Chapter 17

Asshat – Not to be confused with a dumbass


“Are you awake, Fender?” Stan, our producer, asks through the microphone.

“I’m awake,” I grumble.

But this studio is not where I want to be. I want to be at Leia’s house. I never got a chance to explain why I said no when she asked me out. I should have stayed and waited for her to finish her call.

“I’m with him,” Jett hollers.

“I’m with Grumpapottamus, too,” Gibson agrees. “I don’t understand what we’re doing here.”

I slam my bass down before marching toward Gibson. “Not grumpapottamus.”

Dylan steps in front of Gibson. “No fighting.”

I glare at Gibson who ducks behind Dylan. “Someone save me from the grump monster.”