She's the melody I crave,

In her arms, I can be brave.

I haven’t heard this song before. It must be a new one for their upcoming album. Sounds like another hit to me, but what do I know?

“Fender!” Isla shouts to interrupt them. She barrels into him and he picks her up and places her on his lap.

“What’s up, cutie pie?”

“Mom’s being mean.”

He searches the area until he finds me. He raises an eyebrow and I shake my head.

He returns his attention to my daughter. “She is? What did she do?”

“She won’t let me go to the movies with my friends.”

“Why not?”

“Because she hates me.” Isla bursts into tears.

“Now, now.” Fender wipes her tears away and I nearly swoon at the gentle way he handles my child.

Despite having sworn off relationships, I’ve always wanted a father for Isla. I’ve spent countless nights awake in bed feeling guilty she doesn’t have a father after another asshole kid in her class teased her about not having a dad.

“I don’t think your mom hates you.”

“She won’t let me go to the movies,” Isla pouts with her bottom lip stuck out.

“Did she say why she doesn’t want you going to the movies?”

Isla crosses her arms over her chest and refuses to answer.

“Was it because you didn’t clean your room?”

She shakes her head.

“Was it because you didn’t do the dishes?”

She glances away.

“Was it because you didn’t do your other chores?”

“I cleaned my room and did all my chores and she still won’t let me go to the movies!” Isla screeches.

“What movie do you want to see?” Jett asks.

I narrow my eyes on him. “If you offer to take her to the movies after I told her no, I’m going to break those sticks of yours and shove them somewhere deeply unpleasant.”

Gibson chuckles. “How do you know he’ll find it unpleasant? He is a daredevil.”

I wag my finger at him. “Don’t you start. I can cut off your beer supply with one phone call.”

He clutches his chest. “You wouldn’t!”

“Try me.”

“You’re mean.”