“Mom,” Isla whines. “You’ll embarrass me.”

Too bad for my daughter I don’t care how embarrassing she thinks I am. “Your safety trumps me embarrassing you every single day.”

“If Storm’s mom says it’s okay, I can go?”

Not so quick, my little schemer. “What movie are you going to?”

She mumbles her answer.

“Can you repeat yourself at a volume normal humans can hear?”

“Blood Rave.”

Blood Rave? My eyes widen. I haven’t heard of the movie, but the title does not bode well. I open my laptop to research it.

“What are you doing? Are you ignoring me?”

“I wouldn’t dare ignore you, my precious daughter. I’m checking whether the movie is appropriate for your age before I agree.”

“It’s appropriate.”

I’ll decide for myself, little Miss manipulator.

I type the title in the search bar and the movie immediately pops up. When I see the movie poster and the content rating, I don’t bother reading the blurb.

“It’s PG-13.”

“I’m almost thirteen.”

“Eleven is—

“Eleven and three-quarters,” Isla interrupts me to say.

She was eleven and a half yesterday. Still. “Eleven and three-quarters is not thirteen.”

I’m grateful she’s not thirteen because I wouldn’t want her watching this movie at sixteen, let alone thirteen. Judging by the poster, this movie is scary and Isla has nightmares whenever we watch anything remotely scary.

Isla stomps her foot. “But Storm’s mom will be there. I’ll be with an adult.”

“I’m sorry, Isla. The answer is no.”

“I hate you! You never let me do anything I want to!” she screeches before marching away.

I sigh before standing to follow her. I won’t yell at her for claiming to hate me but I won’t allow her to yell at me either.

She flies out of the back door and races toward Fender’s house where the band is gathered around the firepit in the backyard. Cash is singing low while Dylan plays his guitar and Jett taps on an upside-down bucket with his drumsticks. I pause to listen.

She's a fire in the night,

A force that burns so bright,

She calls to me,

In her eyes, I see the key.

With every move she makes,

My heart begins to ache,