“I’m not the type of person who can use a man for sex.”

I’ve never actually tried it before, but I doubt it’s a good idea to use Fender for sex when I can’t stop thinking about the man as it is. If he rocks my world, I’ll probably become obsessed.

“Why don’t you go out on one date with him?” Virginia suggests. “You don’t have to have sex with him. Go on a date and let whatever happens happen.”

Good idea.

Oh, shush, Ms. Inner Voice of Bad Ideas. It’s not happening.

Why not?


Because you like him and won’t admit it to yourself.

Damnit. I hate when she’s right. She’s the worst gloater.

“And if the date turns into a relationship...” Virginia shrugs.

I scowl. A relationship? Nope. I don’t want one of those. Especially since relationships with men always end in heartbreak.

Chapter 15

Child – A small person who can claim to hate you as much as they want but you’ll still love her no matter what


“Mom!” Isla shouts as if I’m on the other side of Colorado instead of at my desk working three feet away from her.

I swallow my irritation. It’s not her fault I’m still working.

“Yes, my beloved daughter.”

“Can I go to the movies?”

I shut my laptop to focus on my daughter. In my experience, this sort of question often leads to a discussion. Assuming screaming, whining, and tears is a discussion.

“With whom?”

“Storm and my other friends from the community center.”

I’m glad she’s made friends at the center. Starting school next month at a new school in a new town will be easier if she already has friends in the same grade as her.

“Where is the movie?”

Winter Falls doesn’t have a movie theater. It’s too small of a town to have one, although there is a movie night at the library every month. Those movies are not meant for eleven-year-olds though. No matter how much the eleven-year-old in question thinks she’s an adult.

“In White Bridge.”

White Bridge is a town about thirty minutes away from Winter Falls. It’s much bigger and has many of the amenities we lack here.

“How are you planning to get there?” There isn’t exactly a bus service around here.

“Storm’s mom is driving us.”

I’ve met Storm, but I’ve yet to meet her mom.

“I’ll need to phone her to check she’s okay driving you to the movies.”