“Why not?” Indigo asks.

“Leave her alone. She doesn’t have to spill her secrets to you,” Virginia says.

Indigo’s brow wrinkles. “But she’s one of my besties. Besties tell each other everything.”

“Why are we besties again?” I mutter.

Indigo wags her finger at me. “Don’t act as if you don’t love me. I know you love me.”

“I barely know you.”

She shrugs. “Your love for me will only grow from now on.”

Virginia sighs. “I apologize for her. Hanging around small children all day has clearly affected her ability to behave as an adult.”

“You can’t apologize for me. An apology doesn’t mean anything if it’s not sincere.” Indigo pauses. “And I’m not sorry.”

“Of course, you aren’t,” Virginia grumbles. “You won’t be satisfied until every single member of Cash & the Sinners is paired with a woman you consider your sister.”

“I have a mission,” Indigo says.

I hold up my hand. “Count me out of this mission. I am not interested in any of the members of the band.”


“Not even Fender?” Indigo wiggles her eyebrows.

“Especially not Fender.”

“Rumor has it he asked you out.”

I don’t bother asking her how she knows. I may not have lived in a small town before but I understand rumor mills after having been the object of the high school rumor mill. At least this rumor is true. The rumor I was probed by an alien and got pregnant was not.

“And I said no.”

“But why?” She pouts.

“Have you met Fender? He doesn’t merely live in Grumpsville. He’s been crowned the king of Grumpsville Land.”

“He’s not as grumpy around you.”

I roll my eyes. “Not as grumpy doesn’t mean not grumpy.”

“Who cares if he’s grumpy? He’s hot.”

“Being sexy doesn’t negate his grumpiness.”

“Aha!” She motions toward me and ends up spilling her wine on her shirt. “You admit he’s sexy.”

I shrug. I’m not going to deny the obvious. And, trust me, it is obvious how sexy Fender is. The expression tall, dark, and handsome was invented especially for him. What I wouldn’t do to dig my hands into those wide shoulders while he lifts me up and pushes me against the nearest surface.

“Earth to Leia!” Indigo cries.

Any sexy thoughts involving Fender disappear from my mind at how loud she was.

“If you woke up Isla, you’re the one who’s putting her back to bed and dealing with her in the morning when she’s snarly from not getting enough sleep.”

Sorry, she mouths.