I step onto the porch and shut the door behind me. “Keep your voice down. Isla’s asleep.”

“Girls’ night!” Indigo whisper-shouts.

“Told you this was a bad idea,” Virginia says.

“You’re only saying it’s a bad idea because you don’t want to leave your house after eight at night,” Indigo claims.

“I was reading a book.”

“What book?” I ask. I wouldn’t have a clue about the book since I don’t have time to read anything other than pre-teen books for Isla, but it’s fun to tease Indigo by getting off track.

“A Court of—”

Indigo slashes her hand in the air to cut Virginia off. “No!”

“No what?”

“No, you aren’t going to distract me from my mission.”

I frown. “Mission?”

“Yes, mission. We can do it here or at the bar. Your choice.”

I haven’t known Indigo long but I’d be a fool not to recognize the determination in her eyes. I might as well get this over with now. Besides, my plan for this evening was to review some spreadsheets. This can’t be any worse.

“You can come inside to discuss whatever this mission is, but I’m warning you. If you wake Isla, I’m going to douse your panties in honey and sic a swarm of bees on you.”

Indigo grins. “Cruel. I love it.”

She pushes past me to traipse inside.

Virginia pats my arm as she passes me. “Don’t worry. We won’t wake Isla.”

“Do you want a drink?” I ask once they’re settled on the sofa.

“Would it be a girls’ night without drinks?” Indigo asks.

“I have juice or milk. I don’t have any beer or wine.”

“Not a problem.” Indigo pulls a bottle of red wine out of her bag. “I came prepared.”

I grab three glasses from the kitchen. I sit on the chair across from the sofa while Indigo pours the wine.

“To friends!” she says as she lifts her glass.

“What’s this mission?” I ask once I’ve taken my first sip of wine.

“Getting straight to business, are we?” Indigo asks.

“I have work to do, Virginia has a book to read, and you have a rockstar to get back to.”

“Nope. My rockstar is currently hanging with your rockstar.”

“I don’t have a rockstar.”

But you want to.

I ignore my inner voice. She’s unreliable when it comes to men.