Her eyes widen to the size of saucers. “You have a kid? I rescind my decision not to sell your story to the tabloids. This is gold.”

“I don’t have a child.”

Pain slices through me and I clutch my stomach before it spills out onto the road. Leia squeezes my hand.

“Shit. I’m sorry. I was joking. What happened? Did she lose the baby? I’m so sorry.”

Pain turns to anger at the reminder of the truth of what happened with Vicki. I pause to let the anger coursing through my body dissipate before I continue. I’m not mad at Leia. It’s not her fault. “She said she did.”

Leia throws her arms around me and hugs me tightly. “Oh Fender.”

I lay my cheek on the top of her head and breathe in her scent. Lemons. She smells of lemons. I love the clean scent of lemons. Now more than ever.

I enjoy the feel of her body wrapped around me. Heaven. This is heaven. But I don’t want her wrapped around me because she feels sorry for me. I want her wrapped around me because her body’s on fire and I’m the only one who can douse it.

“There was no baby.”

She loosens her hold to meet my gaze. “Say what now? There was no baby?”

“She lied,” I grit out. “She wanted to marry a rockstar and thought getting pregnant was the golden ticket.”


I don’t disagree.

“I’m confused why you’re telling me this,” Leia says when the silence begins to stretch.

“My fucked up past is why I was such an asshat to you in the beginning.”

She raises her eyebrows. I should have known she wouldn’t let me off easy. Nothing’s easy with Leia and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

“I wanted you from the moment I saw you. Your blonde hair was flying in the wind behind you and you were giggling and carefree. You were irresistible. But I knew better. Women always betray you.”


“That’s what I thought. But not anymore.”

She squeezes my bicep before stepping back. “I appreciate you trusting me with your past, but I don’t have time for dating at the moment. I’m going to go find Isla now. You okay?”

“I’m okay.”

Leia waves as she leaves. I’m not deterred she turned me down. I was a complete and total asshat to her when we met. She needs time to realize I’m a man she can trust.

Since we finished recording our album, I have nothing but time.

Chapter 14

Girls’ night – an excuse to dig into your friend’s past


I glance over at Isla as I swipe the page to the next chapter of The Sweetness of the Bottom of the Pie. I sigh in relief when I notice she’s asleep. We spent a good fifteen minutes arguing about whether she’s old enough for this book by Alan Bradley.

The recommended age is fourteen but my daughter was determined. Everyone she knows has read it. After reading the first chapter aloud to her, I sincerely doubt any of her friends have read this book.

The doorbell rings and I jump from my spot on Isla’s bed to rush and answer it.

“Girls’ night!” Indigo shouts when I open the door.