Of course, I am. I can handle anything that comes my way. I’m a single mom. It’s my superpower.

“Do you not like Fender?” Virginia asks.

“Let me count the ways I do not like Fender. One, he’s a grump. Two, he thinks I’m a bad parent.”

He apologized for saying those things.

I ignore my inner voice. She’s not on my side tonight.

“Three, he thinks I’m a workaholic.”

“And, four, he’s sexy and you want to get in his pants,” Indigo says.

I point to her beer bottle. “How many have you had of those?”


Virginia snorts. “Are you forgetting about the one you had with dinner?”

Indigo shrugs. “Who’s counting?”

Virginia sighs. “Not you. Indigo and math are not friends.”

“It’s impossible to be friends with a school subject.”

“Be nice, Mercury, or we’ll put you in a home!” Sage yells and the entire room stills.

Mercury slowly turns to face Sage. “What did you say?”

“Someone’s in trouble,” Indigo sings next to me and I elbow her to be quiet.

I glance between Sage and Mercury. They both appear about to say words that can’t be taken back. I know all about saying words that can’t be taken back.

I jump to my feet. “I’m supposed to ask about the permit for the public pool. Is a pool bad for the environment?”

The word environment is barely out of my mouth before chaos erupts.

I pretend to polish my fingernails on my shirt. “My work here is done.”

And no one is discussing matching me with Fender any longer. Win! Win!

You wouldn’t mind letting Fender butter your biscuit.

Stupid inner voice. She hasn’t been this much trouble since I was seventeen and she claimed not using a condom wouldn’t be a big deal. She was wrong then and she’s wrong now.

Fender Hays is not the grump for me. No way. No how.

Chapter 13

Determined – how you feel when the woman you want turns you down


“Fender!” Isla screams. She barrels her way through the crowd at the Lughhasadh festival toward me.

I pick her up and twirl her around. “How are you, cutie pie?”

She throws her arms around my neck as she giggles. “We missed you.”