“Disagree!” Sage hollers.

Rain sighs. “We agreed to discuss the town’s business before you started with your matchmaking.”

Matchmaking? Who are they trying to matchmake now? I scan the room but I have no idea who their target could be.

“But I want to know when Leia’s going to let Fender butter her biscuit!” Feather shouts.

I jump to my feet. “I told you I don’t want to be matched.”

“We can’t help what fate decides,” Clove says.

Sage grins. “But we do enjoy helping fate along.”

“Now answer the question,” Feather insists.

“What question?”

“When are you going to let Fender butter your biscuit?”

“I don’t know what that means.”

“We read it in a book by Lyra Parish.” Feather fans herself. “It was hot.”

“Fender is not coming anywhere near my biscuit. Or my butter. Or anything of mine.”

“But Isla loves him,” Cayenne whines. Yes, an elderly woman with gray hair can whine.

“She also loves Barney but I won’t be dating a purple dinosaur anytime soon.”

Bang! Bang! Bang!

I force my attention to the front of the room but Rain isn’t banging her gavel. An old man knocks his cane on the floor as he stands.

“Enough!” he growls.

“You’re no fun, Mercury!” Petal shouts at him.

“You used to be fun,” Sage adds.

“And you ladies used to have your own lives and not interfere in everyone else’s.”

Laughter erupts in the room.

“They did?”

“When was this?”

“I don’t know.”

“I don’t believe this.”

Guess I’m not the only one surprised by Mercury’s words.

Indigo giggles. “I’m never missing another one of these meetings.”

“Easy for you to say. You’re not the target.”

She shrugs. “You’re handling them perfectly fine on your own.”