“Did you at least buy some popcorn?” I ask.

Indigo grins and points to the bucket on the seat next to her.

“At least this is better than sitting at home wondering what Dylan’s up to,” Virginia mutters.

Dylan and the rest of the Cash & the Sinners band are doing a short one-week tour on the West Coast to launch their latest single.

“Are you worried?”

Virginia scrunches up her nose. “No?”

Indigo throws an arm around her shoulders. “She’s not worried because being worried would be silly. Dylan loves you very much. He wouldn’t risk what you two have together by being stupid. Besides, when does he have time to be stupid? He phones you as soon as each concert is over.”

She waggles her eyebrows making it obvious what the two get up to on the phone. Virginia blushes. Huh. I wouldn’t expect the shy librarian to have phone sex with a rockstar but what do I know? The extent of my sexual encounters could fit onto a postcard.

Indigo elbows me. “What about you? Missing Fender?”

I scowl at her. “Miss how annoying my neighbor is? Nope. I’m good.”

“I heard he wasn’t annoying on the trail ride. Quite the opposite.” She winks.

Memories of Fender touching me as he helped me to mount my horse assault me. How his breath felt against my neck. How his hands felt on my hips. How his warmth surrounded me. How I thought of his naked body in the shower later that night.

I clear my throat and force those thoughts away before I get all hot and bothered at a business meeting in front of the whole town.

“I don’t know what you’re referring to.”

Virginia and Indigo burst into laughter. Indigo points to my face. “Liar, liar, pants on fire.”

I scowl at Virginia. “I thought you were on my side.”

“I’m on the side of love.”

“Love?” I scoff. “I can’t stand the grumpapottamus.”

“Which is why you have a cute pet name for him.”

“Grumpapottamus is not a cute pet name.”

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A woman hits a gavel against the table at the front of the room before announcing, “I now call the July business meeting to order.”

I lean close to Indigo to ask, “Who’s she?”

Virginia trembles. “Rain.”

“What’s with the trembling? Should I be scared of her? Is she the big bad witch?”

“You make fun but I think Rain is a fortune teller.”

“A fortune teller? Does she have a crystal ball?”

Virginia narrows her eyes on me. “I’m serious.”

I raise an eyebrow at Indigo and she fills me in, “Rain owns the jewelry store in town, Bohemian Treasures. She’s also the mayor this year.”

“The first order of business is the Lughnasadh festival next week,” Rain announces.